The demise of a bee caught on the seating in the Orange Roman Amphitheater, Provence, France.

His orange pollen--his wealth, his worldly possessions--scattered about. Where he's going, he can't take it with him.
A small orange bee. A big worldly lesson.
This is soooooo sad, it brought tears to my eyes. But, they are beautiful shots.
Great shots, I agree with mom, its sad but hey he had a full life collecting pollen for the collective..:-))
Still nice shots even though its a sad story.
beautifully captured and worded ...
Bee in the present. The bee is on the Apidea-way to somewhere in this Roman venue. (Couldn't resist.)
BEEutiful photographs. Sorry, I couldn't resist either...
Excellent photos.
What beautiful and tragic pictures! It's a lesson for us all!
Beautiful photos but so sad.....I love how you captured the pollen too!
Very nice capture and detail.
I wish that little dude had been hanging around here for the last Sunday Stills challenge lol. I couldn't find a bee to save my life. Great shots!