writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Rainy Days Welcome Here

Rainy Days Welcome Here

May 7, 2015
Posted in: Lyme Disease, Nature | Reading Time: 1 minute

Rainy days welcome for a Lymie. 074/365

Depressing photo? Not for a Lymie.

There used to be a time when I longed for searing hot days. I would spend my free time soaking up the sun on my bike and enjoying the beauty of the Northern California landscape. Today, hot sunny days send me for cover inside my house, wishing I could move to a 4-season environment, or better yet, one that rained most of the time. Sun and warm weather always trigger the Lyme disease in my body to flare, bringing on migraines, nerve pain, insomnia and joint pain.

Yup, Rainy days are welcome here.

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One comment on “Rainy Days Welcome Here”

  1. If you want rain, head to OP - it is pouring now - AGAIN - all day long and more through Sunday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

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