Sometimes I don't pick the flowers on my black night basil plant just so I can be the cliché macro photographer. Oh and the bees tend to like them too. Oh yes I did shoot a water droplet! But it was after watering the garden, not on purpose so it's o.k., to be cliché. Who am I kidding? I've got cliche all over my photography. But that's why I'm an amateur, not a pro.
Oh look! Another water droplet. Drop The Cliché! Did you see what I did there? Puns-R-Us This time you can see the house in the droplet on this Salvia plant. This plant lasted exactly 30 seconds after planting it. Never again this plant. But it gave me this cool droplet, so I forgave it before it died, err, I mean, before I killed it. D- Gardening 101
Beautiful, not cliche. (said another amateur but who cares?) De-gardening. I like that as I, too, have a black thumb. ugh.