writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

We're Waiting for You

Wow a week has gone by quickly. Everything has gone smoothly inspite of a nearby wildfire, a wind storm, a fallen tree, and a few power outages. Juno and Loki have been great sports, great fun and good company. We celebrated our last full day together with two raw bones. Yummy.

Are They Home Yet

Only one day to go and then it's back to behavin'.

All Ears

Shh, I'm listening for their return.

All Eyes for Their Return

Okay, I'll keep watch then.

Bulletin for Mom and Pop: all is well but we miss you. We tried interrogating the visitor by licking him but it didn't work. He won't reveal your whereabouts. We will work on him some more. He has gotten better at keeping shoes hidden - did you or your friends say something to him?

Bone Face

Where is she? Tell us or else.

Keeping Watch

Juno guarding Loki.

Pickets and Sibe

Wicket pickets!

All is well. I can almost walk around without constantly checking my instruction packet. German commands just bubble out of me without any effort. Juno and Loki have been patient with us whether it's getting up in the morning or assembling their meals. Yesterday we played a lot in the yard. Today, we played and took a walk to the Christmas tree farm and all went well except they were so excited at the start it was hard to get all the collars and leashes set up.

About the only unexpected thing is that they don't want to sleep in the same room with us. We've dog sat before and you couldn't keep the dogs out, so we are a little surprised. They are sleeping on their dog beds in the office so I know they are comfortable and am definitely not worried.

We Are Behaving Mom - Really

"We are Behaving Mom - Really"

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