Nicknames: Jules, Crazy Dog Lady
History: By now you're probably bored of hearing about all the history at Wild Dingo, and all the skills I bring to the table, so I'll just skip to the fun facts.
- Storytelling is my passion. Outside my love of writing, I enjoy using multiple mediums to tell a story, such as photography, composite images, sounds, music, and movement. My education in psychology prepared me for storytelling. Understanding human behavior and motivation is a cornerstone skill in storytelling. It's interesting to note that, today, any creative skill coupled with psychology will land you a very nice gig at most any company.
- I'm a tech geek. I love tech tools. I was an early adopter of WordPress. This site has been operating on WordPress since 2007 (or earlier). Other tech tools I use for storytelling:
- Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign
- Affinity Designer (similar to Adobe Illustrator)
- Affinity Photo (similar to Adobe Photoshop)
- I'm in love with movement. My first love is dancing. I hold an undergraduate degree minor dance, focusing on ballet, modern and ballroom. Other movement activities that I enjoy: cycling, hiking, yoga, aerobics, and pilates.
- I think everyone should try lots of jobs, even if it's outside their goals and ambitions. Jobs I've had outside of my writing and communications career (in no particular order): Waitress, Grocery Store Deli Clerk, Vocational Trainer for Mentally Challenged (HARC in Connecticut), Librarian, Aerobics Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Volunteer for American Heart Association, Teacher's Assistant, Child Psychologist Intern at a Children's Hospital, Stress Management Intern Aetna, Receptionist, PR Assistant, and Clothing Store Cashier.
- I have Lyme disease. I spent 5 years treating it. I'm recovered but not cured. Instead, I manage the symptoms which include autoimmune symptoms, a damaged nervous system and arthritis. I may have Lyme disease but it doesn't define me.
- Did I tell you we lived abroad in the most beautiful country in the world? Yeah, there's an entire section dedicated to our ex-pat lives in Switzerland.
- My industry focus on writing and communications has been in two areas: healthcare and tech.
- Tech companies I worked at: Claris (a subsidiary of Apple, now FileMaker), SuccessFactors, Etak, TeleAtlas.
- Healthcare companies I worked at: The Healthcare Forum, Camino Healthcare, Aetna Life & Casualty
Seriously Now: Here's my resume (PDF) or here (HTML)