writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Droplets of Disillusionment

Droplets of Disillusionment

November 19, 2016
Posted in: Nature | Reading Time: 1 minute


Tears. Disillusionment. I want to run away. Hide my eyes. Cover my ears. But I won't. Instead I will continue to use my free voice against hatred, bigotry, racism, illiteracy, misogyny, sexism and vulgarity, all of which America voted into office. In the mean time, pot is now legal in CA. There's always that.


My bubble is burst. Stories of hatred surround me. No matter how much these stories anger me, hurt me, quite literally bring me to tears, I cannot feel good about regurgitating ignorance and violence into the world. It doesn't relieve my pain nor stop the problem. It leaves me frozen. It's not that I didn't know this hatred existed. It's just acknowledging the sheer quantity, density and depth was much more than I would have believed possible from a land of people created by immigration. My bubble is burst. Now more than ever it's time to support those who need it most. Love in the face of hate. Act, not react.

Breathe. Love. Act.


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