writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Jenny on Heavenly Lane

Jenny on Heavenly Lane

April 14, 2017
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

Juno searches for her pal, Jenny the wee little pup, who lives on Heavenly Lane in town. At least that's what I call this road. There's nothing like a full fence of Wisteria fragrance to brighten your day.

Juno cries to Jenny, so she saunters over to us.  The cracker and the criminal always enjoy saying hello to their pal, whose owner granted us permission to visit when we pass.

When we first met Jenny, she'd run the fence line barking HBO words at us, all riled up. But we won her over and now when Juno cries to her, Jenny leaves her sunny porch spot for some lovin. She loves her back scratched!



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