writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle



October 27, 2011
Posted in: Totally Random | Reading Time: 2 minutes

On this day, 10 years ago, Mr. Wild Dingo and I were performing a rumba for 160 people. Ten years ago, when we said "I do," neither one of us dreamed we'd be living abroad. Our wedding seems like a lifetime ago. The last 3,652 days have been filled with humor, happiness, stress, change, growth and more humor. I've thanked the universe every day for crossing our paths.

We met each other through bicycling and our dates revolved around our rides. He even proposed while we were on a bike ride one evening in the mountains. At sunset, at the top of the mountain, he stopped, feigned a problem with my derailleur and made me get off the bike. He got down on one knee and found the "problem"--a diamond rock seemed to be causing the noise. I considered the question and before I answered I asked, "Are there any matching earrings in that derailleur?" Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying to negotiate a higher price before signing the contract, can you?

But seriously, how lucky am I to be married to someone who not only shares a common interest but is open to sharing some of my own? He knew dancing and ballroom were both longterm hobbies of mine and went as far as to study a year of ballroom before our wedding--at his suggestion, not mine. He's still bugging me to find some ballroom  classes here in French so we can multi-task and learn two things at once. I know. All you ladies totally want to slap me huh?  But wait.

Last night I asked him for help with my iPod player because I needed it for a yoga class I was teaching in the morning. And he was generous enough to fix it for me and teach me how to work the remote. I also told him to wake me up at 7 so I could leave at 8 a.m.

This morning, while I was making our orange-bananna-pineapple-pomegranate smoothies, with a healthy scoop of fiber (because we're old as dirt now), he asked me, "So why are you up so early today?"

"Because I'm running away with a man who actually listens to me," I tell him.

Don't worry Internet. It's not like he's actually listening.

Happy Anniversary Honey. No matter what I say, I wouldn't change you for another. Even if his ears were working.

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26 comments on “Ten”

  1. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful wedding pictures. Our mom and dad's 5-year anniversary is in a couple months. We've been with them every step of those 5-years and I'm sure they owe all their success to us. I hope you also give Loki and Juno a lot of credit. 🙂


  2. Happy anniversary! And hey, an offer to ditch the dogs and go out to dinner - I don't think it gets any better! (So did you ever get the earrings?!?) BTW, I don't think men's ears work. It's how they are built. Which allows us to say things like, "I'm leaving you for the roofer" and have them nod and go back to their football. Heaven forbid there was actually a man alive who DID listen - how could we have any fun at their expense? 😉

    Seriously, go ditch those dogs and maybe there will be some earrings in your appetizer!

    -Dr. Liz

    PS For the record, our recessional was AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' - no ballroom dancing at our wedding, but lots of Angus Young wanna-be's! 😉

  3. Hi Julie and Scott, hope you have a nice anniversary. Maybe I'll get lucky too and find the kind of love and companionship you've found with each other.

    When you come back home, we'll have to head out on a ride or maybe take a yoga class together.

    I miss you guys.


  4. Happy Gotcha Day peeps! Gorgeous pictures, you both looked fabulous. Have a great dinner, and be sure to bring home a doggie bag. It's only fair.


  5. Julie and Scott, you both look so yummy in the pics, Julie so beautiful in that dress, you know me, I love weddings and those dresses! Perfect, so happy for you and your life.


  6. Happy Anniversary to both of you!!!! Ten years is very good. The Momster and Dadster just hit #40 this summer - they are what you call OLD!!!

    Beautiful wedding photos.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely wedding you had! I'm going to admit to being just a smidge surprised that somehow a picture of Mr. Wild Dingo wearing the cone of shame didn't make its way to this post. He's such a good sport!

  8. OK, you kind of have me tearing up with that post. Happy Anniversary! You and MWD! I wonder if he is part huskie as he seems to have selective hearing. But what the heck, he's a keeper, right? Now go and do that French tango.

    Mango Momma

  9. Awwwww, happy 10th! No doubt the dogs are doing their part to spread the love and laughter and keep every day a new adventure.

    But seriously, a dress w/o paw prints and bits of fur fuzz? Yeah, that may have been the only day of my life when I was fur-free, too.

  10. We remember that day well! You were the most beautiful couple and the rumba was the highlight of the evening. Thanks for including those gorgeous pictures. Your Oakmont friends miss you and look forward to your return. Karen and Robin

  11. are you two wearing matching velour track suits yet? no, then it's still early in the relationship 😉
    cool photos and i can't believe it has been 10 years.

  12. Happy Anniversary!! That first picture is just gorgeous. And what an original cake!! 😀 Love your wedding dress. Yes, it's funny what life brings, isn't it? I never thought I'd be living Down Under when I said "I do"!! 😉

    As for dancing...I'm lucky in having a husband who shares my enthusiasm too although sadly his back injury means our dancing days are over - but anyway, personally, I always feel that every girl needs a gay friend as a dance buddy. I mean, NO one dances like a gay man!!! 😛


  13. Happy Anniversary! Not too sure about the 'ditch the dogs' comment, but we're sure you came home with lavish doggie bags by way of apology. This Nov. would have been mama's 41st anniversary, if the husband we never met had survived. And for Pete's sake, start dancing!! There is no more romantic exercise!

    Jed & Abby

  14. A beautiful day as a cherished touchstone for your everyday -- thx for sharing your thoughts & fabulous pics as you celebrate your 10th Anniversary and the wonderful life you share ! Best wishes to you both!

    ---mis 🙂

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