writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Happy Juno-versary!

Happy Juno-versary!

August 15, 2012
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you remember,
when we met?
That's the day,
I knew were my pet."

I think of that song every time I remember the day I met Juno. 

Four years ago, I showed up at a pet adoption location at the suggestion of a friend who fostered Siberians. I wasn't looking for a Sibe. In fact, if I knew even 1/10th of the work and heartache a Sibe would give me, it still wouldn't have mattered. Because when Juno sat up on her hind legs and waved her paws in the air at me (her first "sit pretty"), I fell head over heels in love. I knew immediately she was mine.

Before finding Juno, I was looking for a dog to specifically to handle Loki's need for rough play. I didn't want a full GSD for fear of dealing with hip dysplasia. The universe laughed and said "Here is Juno. She will teach you." And teach us she's done. She's taught Loki many lessons in gentle play and has taught me that health challenges are nothing to feel weighed down by. We've both grown stronger together facing our health challenges.

I think I've finally risen to provide her what she needs. Each day she shows me that despite her severe hip dysplasia, that she can handle more. She now covers up to 5-mile runs (trotting pace) by bike or on foot with me, 4 times per week. She knows just what she needs and trusts me to help her.

And while Juno shows me every day she is a Sibe first, she also dispels many myths of Sibes. Like all Sibes, she's still a very independent thinker, but in safe locations, she's earned her off-leash freedom and laughs at the idea of Siberians disliking the water.

In fact, as long as I'm near any body of water, it's pretty easy to keep tabs on her. She's always in the water!

Juno's is even known to be an excellent trainer herself. She's taught Mr. Wild Dingo many lessons in patience and in how to win a Siberian's affection. And though the reader may think it's food, it's taken us as long as 4 years to truly understand that it's true affection and respect for her position with the pack, peppered with a bit of favoritism over Loki.

It's easy to see why the universe sent Juno to us. She is the ultimate Zen master and personal guru. And she is the happiest dog I know.

All three of us love you, Juno. Happy 4 year Anniversary and 5th Birthday!

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17 comments on “Happy Juno-versary!”

  1. wooo beautiful, happy Juno-versary. What a great job you have done with your pack and well done to all of you dealing with your health issues, we Sibes sure are special. Enjoy your day together, we are happy you found each other.

  2. Juno is one lucky dog to have landed in your pack. I bet Dansko is happy too as you have given them much more business since the criminal moved in.

    She is proof that breed doesn't determine everything. Look at her swimming and running around off leash. That's becaue of you. I bet Loki is happy to have her as well.

    Mango Momma

  3. I remember the first time I took her to training, she ran upstairs, got in a corner, and growled at me. The first 15 times we tried a recall in class she ran the opposite way, including into the road if she could get to it. Now she is daddy's girl on "walkies." Happy Juno-versary Juno !

    BTW, the cracker will not stop shoving his corduroy scarecrow tug toy into my leg to play. It is not actually a tug toy, but any toy we give Loki becomes a tug. Makes typing very cumbersome…

  4. Happy Junoversary, Juno!!! Its so furry nice that woo found such a responsive pack to take over, its only been 4 years and woo have them eating out of your paw! Ha-woo! Plus, woo scored a truly talented pupperozzi in-house, we love all the great pics of woo! And, to top that off, woo even get to go on a european tour - tres bien, mon chien aimee! (or something like that)

    we luv woo too,
    husky hugs & kissies,
    Miss Moo & Jack a-roo

  5. I haven't kept up with Juno as much as I would have liked. She was a sweet girl for the short time she was with us, and I am so happy she found Loki and Mr/Ms Wild Dingo! Happy Junoversary!


  6. Happy Juno-versary! How is it possible she's already five? She always seems like she's just out of puppyhood to me! It was definitely a match made in heaven.

  7. Just show her the shoes WDW!!!!

    Happy Juno Day!!!!

    PeeEssWoo: Yo Princess - isn't it fun to train humans???? I'm khoming up on six years with my pupil!
    PeePeeEssWoo: Whitney gives woo a special wink too!

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