writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Hey Man, Got Any Grass?

Hey Man, Got Any Grass?

May 2, 2014
Posted in: Mastheads, Nature | Reading Time: 1 minute


As they say, the goats have moved on to greener pastures. But I couldn't let one more opportunity for a goat post pass me by.


This sable fella above was so shy but I thought he was the prettiest. For days, I hounded him for photos.


Until he got totally sick of me and told me so. Gotta love him for being so direct.


This fella was patiently waiting to move on to the second half of our pasture, filled with delicious scotch broom. As you can see, there was nothing more to eat. Who knew goats could be such pigs?


The pasture the day the goats arrived, lush green and beautiful, but definitely a fire hazard.


The first half of the pasture after a week of hungry pigs, err, goats. Not nearly as pretty and lush, but a whole lot safer for the summer.

I wonder if all that grass gives them the munchies?



Hey Man, Got Any Grass?
May 2014


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4 comments on “Hey Man, Got Any Grass?”

  1. Wow, didn't take them long to clear that out for you. I think we need some goats with all this rain we have been getting, LOL

  2. Heheheh. I bet those goats handle the munchies with more grass. Which seems like an endless cycle - but one that probably keeps everyone happy. And totally mellow. And it keeps the Doritos on the shelves at the stores. 😉

    -Dr. Liz, who is totally jealous of your goat experience

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