writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

NitWit Trail Gets a Shrakieotomy

NitWit Trail Gets a Shrakieotomy

May 3, 2015
Posted in: Lyme Disease | Reading Time: 1 minute

NitWit Trail Gets a Shrakieotomy - 070/365

A few weeks ago, Mr. Wild Dingo came home with a tick bite on his ankle from walking the dogs on NitWit trail behind our home. Since then, he’s been on a mission to shrake the leaves and keep the trail clear of tick hiding places. In addition, we both wear ridiculously tapered pants and spray our shoes and trail walking clothes with Permethrin insect and tick repellent. The dogs are also protected with Advantix and checked for ticks after each walk. We are now walking bombs for any tick who wants to risk his life for a bite of our sweet blood. Boo-wa-ha-ha-ha!

What is a shrake? Check it out here!

May is Lyme disease awareness month. Prevent tick bites and the threat of long term illness by staying on cleared trails when in the forest and wearing tick repellent on your clothes!


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2 comments on “NitWit Trail Gets a Shrakieotomy”

  1. Those ticks are evil and sneaky. We need to get a shrake too:)

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