writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Month: May 2015

Monday Morning Love Nibbles

I always need a laugh first thing on Monday.

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Beauty is a Short-Lived Tyranny
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I Have Nothing to Say

This shot reminds me of my good times at the Tate Modern in London with TravelMarx and discovering that whacked out dude Gerhard Richter.  Yah. Those were good times. Falling asleep in the lounge at the Tate Modern before I knew I had Lyme.  

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That Irritating Virtue

I can safely say that no sport, no pet, no job, no hobby and no yoga practice has taught me more patience more than Lyme disease.

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Rainy Days Welcome Here

Depressing photo? Not for a Lymie.

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Double Trouble

"Hey Daddy-O! Who’s that doggin’ us at the end of the road? He doesn’t seem to care if we know it or not."

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A Small Beautiful Life

With Chronic Lyme disease, your world becomes very small, but no less beautiful. Well, except when I go a week without washing my hair or the meds make me toss my cookies. That part is not so pretty. Check out the Scarlet pimpernel, a wild flower, sometimes considered a weed, growing all over Santa Cruz […]

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Bumble Bee Booty

I'm taking a break out of my Lyme disease soapbox for some cuteness! A Bumble bee's booty is totally adorbs! No? Almost as cute as a Siberian's jodhpurs or a corgi's butt. I'm loving my macro lens. Can you tell?

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NitWit Trail Gets a Shrakieotomy

A few weeks ago, Mr. Wild Dingo came home with a tick bite on his ankle from walking the dogs on NitWit trail behind our home. Since then, he’s been on a mission to shrake the leaves and keep the trail clear of tick hiding places. In addition, we both wear ridiculously tapered pants and […]

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Juno's Recovery from Tick Disease

In 2009, Juno was hospitalized for 5 days with a high fever and joint inflammation. Our fabulous vets at The Whole Pet Vet and SAGE Centers for Veterinary Care ran a full panel of tick disease tests and the results were negative. We were at cross roads of how to treat her illness as we had […]

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