This weekend we celebrated Loki's 8th year with us and his 9th (roughly) birthday. He's been one of the best teachers I've had in my life as he taught me how to listen, really listen, without words. Sure, his recent TPLO surgery put a huge dent in the wallet, but in the end, it only cost about 3% of what what it would take to rebuild the 2-story garage that he literally saved from burning to the ground three years ago. I would say he is definitely worth every penny and more.
Technically still on "leashed-lock down" to recover from TPLO, I allowed Loki to hang out on the front lawn to sun himself. I heard the sprinklers go off from indoors, so I went to check on him, to make sure he didn't bolt or hurt himself from the surprise noise. When I got to the door I observed him studying the sprinklers with concern. As soon as he spotted me he put on his tough, big-boy britches and started alert barking and growling at them as if to convince me that he hasn't lost his intruder alert skills and he'll be ready to go back to work patrolling the property as soon as he gets the green light. In the mean time, I'm counting myself lucky I have him to protect me from a sprinkler attack. The cracker never ceases to make me smile.
Loki's our best friend, guardian and teacher. He's our family.
Happy Anniversary Big Boy. We love you to the moon!
Happy Anniversary Loki. 🙂
Happy Loki-versary, Loki!!!! You are one handsome dude.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
Ok. Now I have to read all of these because I'm already hooked.
hello loki its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy loki-gotcha-day-versary!!! may their be menny menny more!!! ok bye