writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Happy Juicy-versary

Hello readers! I know. I know. Woo think I would furgit my favorite criminal's anniversary? Pshaw! Nefur! We had a lovely anniversary celebration at one of Juicy's favorite training locations when she was a wee puppy, the beach. It was lovely reminiscing all the times she took off from a down stay with the cracker in hot pursuit. Remember all the times egged-on Loki to  prank all the other wee pups? Yes, that's my Juicy, always full of giggles and creative mischief.   (more…)

An Anna's, a Ruby-throated, and an Allen's Hummingbird walk into a bar. The Anna asks, "Who's that strange fella?" The Ruby-throated said, "I donno, but lemme at him! Imma gonna buzz him in pieces!" The Allen's said, "Whatevs."

I know. It's not a brilliant joke. I hope the pictures below make up for it. (more…)

Mr. Wild Dingo says, "The best time is stolen time." So we stole an extra hour at lunch for some shenanigans in Santa Cruz.

Lunchtime Shenanigans from Julie Starling on Vimeo.

Not too shabby for 11 and 12 year old pups, huh?

PS. Dear readers, I know you've been wondering where we've all been. We're all good. Still working on the last 20% crap of this business called Lyme Disease. I anticipate I will be in that 80/20 most of the rest of my life and that's alright by me.  In the mean time, I've been back in school firing my synapses and activating my right brain. We'll be back soon to our regular shenanigans. I know you all are hanging on the criminal's daily crimes and the cracker's daily jobs.  They both continue to exceed their career goals and expect a promotion but I'm pretty sure they already broke the glass ceiling in terms of their "Drive the Human Crazy" career.

Today I woke to The Cracker and Coyotes belting out a cool, hip tune to the beat of a firetruck caravan. It must be Tuesday. Except that it's Monday.  (more…)

"Woo know: never to bother a husky while she's cooling her pawsies during the canicular season, mom!"

Hey readers, it's July 2! Did you notice that Merrium Webster's word of the day? That's right! canicular comes form the latin word canicula, which means "small dog." But there's more to this story involving the Roman mythological figure Orion and his dog! Yup, you read that right!  Who knew that Orion had a dog named Sirius? I sure didn't! The constellation Sirius occurs during the hottest summer days from July to September which became known as dies caniculares or as we know it in English: "the dog days" of summer!

The more you know Internet, the more you know what you don't know. Funny how that works, huh?

On another note: it took exactly one year to get these two dogs back to healthy state. It's now a "pleasure" to pick up their poop. Yes, Internet, a pleasure as opposed to last year's disagreeable diarrhea debacle. I cringed as they both waded in the town's river lapping the water with an unparalleled voracity and contemplated making them get out. Instead, I just started them back on sprinkle of diatomaceous earth on their dinner as a worm prevention. Ya gotta live a little Internet. So do dogs!

Have a cool canicular season readers! Remember to keep your dogs cool at home. Never leave them in a hot car.

We met this bi-eyed bewooty today at the beach today! Her name is Katinka and she's barely 2 years old. Incredibly tolerant, Loki just chilled as she flirted shamelessly with the cracker, trying to steal a kiss or give him a tap on the snooter. (more…)

If you ask me, a Siberian husky's main goals in life are to give you regular heart attacks and a spend all your money.  Juno is not just achieving her goals, but blowing past them, leaving them in the dust and me and Mr. Wild Dingo, barely alive from regular heart attacks and broke. This is Juno, above, last Wednesday. She found a stick and pranced around the yard, mocking Loki for having a better toy than him. I couldn't help but smile so we goofed around a bit with it. I know sticks can be dangerous to dogs, but this one was soft and it seemed harmless. (more…)

Happy Gotcha Day to our best friend and family member. You had a ruff start in life. Numerous families. Nobody understood you. For the first five or six years, we sensed you were always wondering when, not if, you would be kicked out. Eleven years later, you're still with us. "They" told me to give you back. That you were too much dog for me. Thank dog we listened to our hearts. "They" were blind. They could not see the potential in you nor your intense desire to do the right thing. We not only saw that potential and insane drive to work, but we also reveled in the marvel of what would become the dog who saved our home from burning down, chased away numerous vicious dogs and wildlife, nightly-patrolled our fences and doors, and yes, even guarded against the justifiably-uninvited person or two. I'll never forget the day you wouldn't let me go to bed because I left the garden door open. You always have my back, even for the smallest things. Daddy-O, you've earned your wisdom whiskers. If not for your ruff start, then certainly for the patience you showed with me as I slowly learned "loki-speak" so I could give you what you needed to become the ridiculous but brilliant, brave but afraid of flies, serious but silly dog you are today. You're the cheese Big Boy. The man. Our best friend and family member. We love you to the moon and back. You are the light of our lives. Happy 12 11 years young and 11 10 year Gotcha day Loki!


Loki and Wiley had words at dinner time--for 30 minutes. (more…)

"Psst! Daddy-O! Now seems like a good time to get our revenge for the crimes against us this week. How about a game of Catch Me If Woo Can Zoomies with Momma? Bet that’ll learn her!” (more…)

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