Stachys ajugoides rigida, Bugle Hedgenettle - 288/365
268/365 Woah! That's a heavy load this little lady is carrying in her basket! Bees can carry over 1 million grains of pollen weighing up to .01 grams in each pollen basket (half her body weight in total) located on the tibia of their rear legs.
Creeping bellflower, genus name, Campanula rapunculoides. Flowers are only 2-4 cm long. - 266/65
Autumn Sage - 265/465 Salvia greggii, Autumn Sage, is native to southwest Texas into San Luis Potosi, Mexico. It's a hearty herb that grows in rocky elevations from 5,000 to 9,000 feet. It blooms throughout summer and autumn. Flower size and color are variable, from .25" to 1" and include shades of scarlet and red, […]