writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

Four Years Treating and Babesia Just Won't Quit Me

I should have taken advantage of the rain this winter practicing rain drop photos, but Babesiosis is a bitch. Sometimes I think if it were only just Lyme disease and just Borrelia I had to manage, it would be a piece of cake. I've made tons of progress treating Lyme-MSIDS & CVID these past 3 […]

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Careers in Gaslighting

I don't know about ya'll but I keep holding my breath waiting for Sean Spicer to lose his shit on National TV.  I get dizzy watching him spin on every episode of "Survivor: The White House."   Any bets on how long he'll last?

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Vet of the Year

Congratulations to our favorite vet and friend, Hilary Wheeler for winning PetPlan's Veterinarian of the Year Award in early February. (I may, or may not have sent this photo to the judges with an "offer" to send the cracker to "speak" to them on your behalf of your outstanding qualities.) We're so proud of you! Even […]

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What the What?

To me, in the world of blogging, there's nothing more uninteresting than a post explaining why the writer hasn't posted in a while. The point of a blog is to write something interesting, right? And nothing is more boring than how I spent the last 2 months battling a relapse of Babesiosis. To make a long […]

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Write a Book

"Write a book," they all keep saying. Well, here's your book. It's not for sale on Amazon. Sorry about that. Amazon requires a huge mark up for print-on-demand photography books like this. But it's for sale in hardcover and softcover. Visit the shop page to read more.  I'm also selling my photography through Zenfolio which is also […]

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My Girl Juicy

Now this dog. This dog doesn't have a cruel bone in her body. During this year's rutting season, I stopped carrying treats due to yellow jacket population. Without treats, Juno turned to her innate Siberian resolve of doing whatever she damn well pleases. Her recall slipped to the point where she would only wait for […]

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Brute Force Peace Keeper

This dog. This dog loves his mommy no matter what she does. Scott pulled a prank on my Lyme brain Sunday morning while wrapping presents. Since we desperately need some humor in this house, I laughed and scolded him while girlie-slapping his arm and nudging his wine-belly. Loki, being the police dog that he is, broke […]

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Guisseppe and Luca

Giuseppe the Green, turned to me abruptly. He and his cousin Luca were busy snacking on the Mexican sage and I clearly annoyed them. I always knew katydids were omnivores but it surprised me to see them chomping on the white petals none-the-less. Maybe the this time of season brings a down turn in a […]

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Jumping Jack Flash

You never forget your first photo shoot with a jumping spider. I saved Jumping Jack Flash, who's only about 4 mm and looks like a piece of lint to the naked eye, from a fatal encounter with the mighty monster Hoover. It’s not like I’m a super hero (but I won’t stop you from referring […]

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Laid Off from Lyme Disease

Is this drop in focus? I can't tell. It took a week for my new Lyme disease medication to arrive. It had to be compounded. I'd been relegated to the sofa. Headaches and vision problems have been, well, a problem for being able to function or focusing the lens of a camera. It’s embarrassing to […]

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