writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

Taking Back My Power

The first thing Lyme disease does to you is take away your power. I'm taking it back.   Lyme Warrior -- Yoga Every Damn Day  --- Lyme Disease Awareness Month  -- Take a Bite out of Lyme Challenge Fact: There is no place in the body that the pathogen causing Lyme disease cannot live and damage. […]

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Happy Loki-versary!

This weekend we celebrated Loki's 8th year with us and his 9th (roughly) birthday. He's been one of the best teachers I've had in my life as he taught me how to listen, really listen, without words. Sure, his recent TPLO surgery put a huge dent in the wallet, but in the end, it only […]

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Conflict Resolution

Today, a personal note on living with Lyme Disease for Lyme Disease Awareness Month. By now you've probably heard so many stories of people with Lyme and their symptoms. Maybe you've heard it brings joint pain and chronic fatigue. Or maybe you've heard it makes people foggy, gives them memory problems and unable to think. […]

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Search & Rescue Ray Ban

Yesterday, I lost a great pair of Ray Ban sunglasses on a dog walk. Since my search dog, Loki, is on the down low recovering from TPLO surgery, I couldn't ask him to help find them. Both dogs are informally trained at finding objects scented like me on our trail walks since I'm always losing […]

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Paleo! WTF? Halibut with Pancetta, Basil & Mushroom Butter Sauce

If someone told me I'd eventually go Paleo, I would have died laughing. Being gluten-free was hard enough! But after a month of having a Paleo diet, the pain levels in my body keep dropping week to week. Treating Lyme disease is not just killing pathogens. Lymies have to use every tool in the tool […]

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Unfurling Flower of Wellness

It's Lyme Disease Awareness Month Peeps! I'll be posting lots of educational and fun posts related to Lyme disease on Social media and a little on this blog. I thought I'd share an update of my progress along with a macro shot of an unfurling flower frond for those missing my macro photography adventures. I'm […]

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Husky Garden Humor

"I think therefor, I Yam," laughs Juno as she mocks my plans for a vegetable garden this year. "Hard work doesn't harm anyone, but I do not want to take any chances." Juno bestows her garden work ethic as she seistas between the magnolia tree and flower bed. Meanwhile, my own work ethic is summed up […]

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"Cracker's Log 0062016. The humans call this a sabbatical. I'm not allowed to work or patrol the property. I may as well not be allowed to breathe."

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BioMat is the New Drug

"Cracker's Log 0022016. I made it through the harrowing night. It was touch and go as I didn't have all of my cracker faculties, but I was able to whine and pace the bed room enough times to convince the human to leave the comfort of her bed and take me back to the office […]

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Crackers are not Bulletproof

Loki and I had butterflies as we waited for him to be admitted on Thursday morning. His surgery went well. By 3:00 the doctor called me and said he behaved very well before surgery for all the ladies and the doctor. It was a completely torn cruciate ligament. His meniscus is intact. He has no arthritis. […]

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