writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.


Yesterday: “Sigh. Life is hard. Especially when my body guard is in the shop getting his smile brightened. I have nobody to protect my jodhpurs and gum drop nose. If woo could only recognize how hard this is for me, it would be so much easier for woo, Momma.”

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Scenes Around the Garden

Spring is the best time in our mountain garden. The cruel hot summers can be a challenge to gardening so we generally choose heat-tolerant plants that will bloom in heat. Catmint is generally a hardy plant for heat but when it comes to gardening and me, Murphy's Law always applies. If it's hardy, it's going […]

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It's About Thyme

Once upon a thyme, there was a legend in his own thyme. 

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Woo Let the Dogs Out? Woo? Woo?

Who let the dogs out? 

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Same Circus, Same Clowns

Yup. We've been in this rodeo before. Over ten years now. It never gets old. Of course, the clown (unidentified, but we'll call him MWD) rewarding the criminal with cookies (seen in his hand) may have something to do with crime rates at Wild Dingo. I'm no sociological statistician--just the ringmaster at this circus.  I […]

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White Lash

 It's not what you think. Hello Gorgeous! Her white lashes don't just make an entrance. They own the room!

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Super Power

I don't know how she did it but for over 10 years Juicy has kept some of her super powers completely hidden right under our noses:

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Dear Diary, Nothing New Happened

If you were to take a peek into my teenage diary, you would find about 360 pages of "Dear diary, Nothing new happened today." The other 5 pages might read what I got for Christmas or a grade on a test and talk about how wildly unfair the teacher was.  Sadly, my teenage writer's block […]

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Happy Holidogs and New Year

Hey faithful friends and readers! We're not dead. We've just avoided blogging for a while. We have many stories to share including a travel story or two that happened over the late fall, but we'll put that on hold to wish you all a very Happy New Year. The pups had a pretty nice holiday. […]

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Fixing a Broken Cracker

"It's important to protect my eyes while I snoopervise Juicy's laser therapy. Plus, all the chicks dig a guy in cool shades."

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