writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

A Hummingbird Walks into a Bar. . .

An Anna's, a Ruby-throated, and an Allen's Hummingbird walk into a bar. The Anna asks, "Who's that strange fella?" The Ruby-throated said, "I donno, but lemme at him! Imma gonna buzz him in pieces!" The Allen's said, "Whatevs." I know. It's not a brilliant joke. I hope the pictures below make up for it.

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Stolen Time

Mr. Wild Dingo says, "The best time is stolen time." So we stole an extra hour at lunch for some shenanigans in Santa Cruz. Lunchtime Shenanigans from Julie Starling on Vimeo. Not too shabby for 11 and 12 year old pups, huh? PS. Dear readers, I know you've been wondering where we've all been. We're […]

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Alarm Cracker

Today I woke to The Cracker and Coyotes belting out a cool, hip tune to the beat of a firetruck caravan. It must be Tuesday. Except that it's Monday. 

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The Canicular Season is Here

"Woo know: never to bother a husky while she's cooling her pawsies during the canicular season, mom!" Hey readers, it's July 2! Did you notice that Merrium Webster's word of the day? That's right! canicular comes form the latin word canicula, which means "small dog." But there's more to this story involving the Roman mythological […]

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We met this bi-eyed bewooty today at the beach today! Her name is Katinka and she's barely 2 years old. Incredibly tolerant, Loki just chilled as she flirted shamelessly with the cracker, trying to steal a kiss or give him a tap on the snooter.

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Heart Attacks and Money Pits

If you ask me, a Siberian husky's main goals in life are to give you regular heart attacks and a spend all your money.  Juno is not just achieving her goals, but blowing past them, leaving them in the dust and me and Mr. Wild Dingo, barely alive from regular heart attacks and broke. This is […]

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Happy Loki-versary!

Happy Gotcha Day to our best friend and family member. You had a ruff start in life. Numerous families. Nobody understood you. For the first five or six years, we sensed you were always wondering when, not if, you would be kicked out. Eleven years later, you're still with us. "They" told me to give […]

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Words With Wiley

Loki and Wiley had words at dinner time--for 30 minutes.

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Crime and Punishment

"Psst! Daddy-O! Now seems like a good time to get our revenge for the crimes against us this week. How about a game of Catch Me If Woo Can Zoomies with Momma? Bet that’ll learn her!”

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Her Turn

Vets and vet techs who know the dramatics of huskies have always recognized Juno's unusually calm behavior whenever they examine her. If you poke her in a sore spot, she'll simply whimper and kiss your hand. Though she is stoic like the breed is known to be, she's not very vocal like huskies. This dog […]

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