writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

When It's Hard to Say "Goodbye"

How lucky are we to know someone like Jim and his pack who are so hard to say goodbye to?

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Everybody Wants to be A DJ

"Hey Arthur! You are growing quickly! What would like to be when you grow up?" "An astronaut. Or maybe a D.J.," he replied. Everybody wants to be a D.J. I just want to be a drummer.

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They're Baaaaak!

I was getting a bit worried because last April, we had crickets singing love songs every evening. This year, it's been ominously quiet. But now they are turning up in the Osteospermums by the dozens and they are growing and getting greener every day. Welcome baby katydid! Looking forward to the music of your kind!

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Is There a Support Group for Gardening Addiction?

"Daddy-O, how much do you think she'll pay us to make her potted plants look better by sitting next to them?" "Princess, we did not negotiate our contract prior to the job. Maybe we should unionize."

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Slim Fast

"Of course I'm pleased with myself. Just look at me. I'm perfect." 

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Wile E. Coyote in the Fur

"What the heck is your problem," asks Wile E. in response to the cracker yelling HBO words at him. "Alls I'm doin is standing here, minding my own business, looking for that rascally Road Runner. Why all the noise?" One day last week, after our walkies, the cracker refused to come inside. It's not like […]

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I've been a bit bee-hind in posting photos and stories. What can I say? It's hard to stay vertical when you are constantly about to toss your cookies. I took this week off Lyme meds just to catch up all the things happening in the garden's macro world and the cracker and criminal's world. I […]

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Happy Loki-versary!

This weekend marked Loki's 9th year with us and roughly his 10th (maybe 11th) birthday. Time sure flies when you live with a cracker. He's been our greatest teacher, our best friend, our most loyal companion. This is the photo that melted my heart. When I called AHAN, the rescue, they literally said, "I'm not […]

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A Life Without Cheeses

The past two weeks, while Mr. Wild Dingo has been on travel, I, Evil Momma, have led Juno off her spiritual Path of Cheeses. This is what we call a “necessary evil” to lose a few pounds. No matter how much she prayed at the sacred altar of Mount Kitchen Island and proclaimed her faith, […]

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Lyme Disease Demolition Crew

May is Lyme Disease Awareness month! I've done this Lyme Disease Challenge multiple ways so this year I opted for something other than my boring mugshot with a lime in it. Here my Lyme Disease Demolition Crew Take a Bite out of Lyme. 

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