writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Tag: Lyme disease

It's Friday I'm In Love

Lately, I've had a bit of anxiety over the pups. They are both fine and quite healthy for seniors. They don't act much like seniors. They still demand their daily walks and adventures. I'm convinced daily exercise is what keeps them spry.  The problem is me. I'm the one who aged much faster than they […]

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Looking Back

"Princess, do woo ever look back at the path woo took wondering if woo missed the scent of a nearby bunny?" "Why look back, Daddy-O? Been there, done that, bought the harness. I'm all about the bunnies and squirrels in the here and now!"

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Back to Forward

Once upon a time, there was a boy who married a girl who worked for herself. This was an attractive feature to the boy as he was a bit older than girl. It meant that he could potentially retire early on her income. It was a good plan. Even the girl thought so because she […]

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