writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Raw Torture

Raw Torture

October 16, 2009
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday was "raw bone" day at Wild Dingo. Juno always gets the smaller bone because she's a bit chubby again. Also, Loki takes about 40 minutes to eat his bone while Juno takes about 4 hours to finish hers.  It was still really wet outside (where they usually eat them) so I used old blankets they are allowed to lay on to eat them that I can toss in the washer after they are done.  After Loki was done, he laid down on his blanket.

Now Mr. Wild Dingo doesn't believe this, but Juno is slowly turning into alpha dog around here. Mr. Wild Dingo never gets to witness the stunts she pulls to display her status. She's still quite shy around him. But here she is pulling her "just try me" stunt. While Loki began to snooze, she got up from her bed in my office with her bone and promptly plopped herself right next to him, baiting him the best she knew how.


"Hey big boy, this bone is the cheese. You want a little nibble?"
"Drop that veil sister. I'm in the business myself."


"If I'm lyin' I'm flyin'. This bone is the bomb. And I'm offerin' you a taste of heaven."
"Cupcake, you'd have to send me to the headshrinker if I ever fell for your trap."


"Ya caught me big boy, so focus your audio. Keep your paw off my raw or I'll send you to the croaker."


"Sugarplum, I got your signal, loud and clear."
"Nom, nom, nom. "

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12 comments on “Raw Torture”

  1. My Khalifornia grasshopper is doing sooooo furry well!

    Khoy and khlever!
    What a grrrreat khombo!

    PeeEssWoo: Soggy Pantyloons
    PeePeeEssWoo: I think woo are khreating these titles on purpose!

  2. This post is too funny! I enjoyed the pictures and the conversation between you guys, Loki and Juno. That bone does look awfully tasty, I must admit that I'm drooling all over the keyboard now.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! I've added you to my dogger blogger list so I can visit you guys more often.

    I hope you all have a grrrrEAT day ahead!


  3. Hmmm... A power struggle in the making.... Mom is already nervous about how I'm going to be with my little sister (who will be from my biological parents, so we'll be the same size when it is all said and done...) Note from Fi's Mom: gah! Sibling rivalry!!! Ahhh!!!!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona (and Fi's Mom)

  4. Hi Juno & Loki,

    Thanks for coming over to visit me and sorry it's taken me so long to return the visit! You guys have a really stylish blog - wow! 😀 And my human loves your names - she loves all mythical names for dogs - although she also likes food names, which is what me and my kitty sister were named after ("Honey & Lemon" - the hot drink that makes you feel better when you have a cold! hee! hee!)

    Honey the Great Dane

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