writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle



March 9, 2010
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

At Wild Dingo, we take recycling seriously. So when it became that time of year for the husky,

we had to figure out what to do with all that fur.

Loki stepped up and offered some solutions:

"Does this toupe make me look like a hep dude?"

"How about the 'stash? Does it make me look like a cool cat?"

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21 comments on “Recycling”

  1. Loki, I think you should get Mom to make ear covers for you out of that fur to keep you nice and toasty in the winter 🙂 Be careful though, that hair can turn into a really scary dust bunny given the opportunity.

  2. Oh yeah A toupe and a stash are a grrrreat look for you!!
    My mom throws my used furs out for the birds along with all the dryer lint!! I'm just sayin'.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YES dear Loki!!!!!!
    What a great great idea you had!!!!!
    We love love love your toupe and stash!!!!
    you look sooooooooooooooo cool!!!!
    You're the best recycled in the world!!!!!
    Sweet kisses and licks

  4. Loki has the patience of a saint. Great photos!

    We put shedded fur out for the birds to use in their nests... and then when we clean out the nest boxes over the winter, we discover that our dogs' fur helped keep baby birds warm. How cool is that?

  5. HA! HA! HA! HA!!!! 😆 Oh my God, those pictures of Loki are priceless!!!! 😀

    ps. my human wanted to ask if you got that video link she sent you of the husky doing dancing?

    Honey the Great Dane

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