writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Siberian Negotiations

Siberian Negotiations

August 11, 2016
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes


Juno eyed her mom working in the herb garden through the morning mist. She raised her nose in the air, considered hunting for moles, but decided to head down the path to the orchard and help herself to an apple. While she enjoys playing with the treasures she picks from the tree, she prefers the giggles she gets presenting her treasure to her mom or pop. She quickly picked an apple, then trotted all the way around the other side of the house to the dog yard, through the dog door, into the house, up the stairs, down the hall and promptly into Poppy's office where he was hard at work. Surprised to see the husky so boldly enter his office all by herself--without her posse--Mr. Wild Dingo stopped what he was doing. Nothing was more important than giving the husky the attention she so clearly requested. She cried and smiled wide as she showed him the treasure in her mouth. Juno amused him as she slowly shook her head from left to right playing keep away until she ran out of the office, encouraging him to follow. She ran down the stairs, to the foyer, bounced around and waited. As Mr. Wild Dingo reached the landing, she dropped the apple on the floor and gazed up to the treat jar. She often observed Mr. Wild Dingo pluck and eat plums and nectarines from the other trees. Here, she was offering him a trade: this apple for a salmon cookie.

Who could resist such a shrewd, yet adorable, negotiator? Not Mr. Wild Dingo. After all, he is quite educated in all Siberian retributions and values the good-condition of his flip flops.

True story.


"Apple for a treat. Oh and your flip flops will be safe--for today."


"Awe! Just kidding about your flip flops! They're never safe! Har-woo!"


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