"When you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back.” ~Yoda
"Hey Daddy-O! Who’s that doggin’ us at the end of the road? He doesn’t seem to care if we know it or not."
In 2009, Juno was hospitalized for 5 days with a high fever and joint inflammation. Our fabulous vets at The Whole Pet Vet and SAGE Centers for Veterinary Care ran a full panel of tick disease tests and the results were negative. We were at cross roads of how to treat her illness as we had […]
May is Lyme Disease Awareness month. As author Amy Tan points out, the greatest harm that borrelia causes is ignorance. I can’t pretend to understand why the CDC and IDSA dig their heels in further on denying the existence of chronic Lyme disease when there is a mountain of evidence-based science to support the fact […]
Juno is not like most Siberian huskies. Sure she digs, chews and gets into all sorts of trouble. But when it comes to obedience, she is missing a few crucial Siberian genetics.
In the first year of owning our property we built NitWit Bridge, a 40-foot high, 90-foot long, redwood suspension bridge over the creek that runs through our property. Last year, we built a second trail and bridge, NitWit Too, in order to make a complete loop on the property and provide more off leash fun for […]