writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Category: Dogs

Dear Diary, Nothing New Happened

If you were to take a peek into my teenage diary, you would find about 360 pages of "Dear diary, Nothing new happened today." The other 5 pages might read what I got for Christmas or a grade on a test and talk about how wildly unfair the teacher was.  Sadly, my teenage writer's block […]

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Happy Holidogs and New Year

Hey faithful friends and readers! We're not dead. We've just avoided blogging for a while. We have many stories to share including a travel story or two that happened over the late fall, but we'll put that on hold to wish you all a very Happy New Year. The pups had a pretty nice holiday. […]

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Fixing a Broken Cracker

"It's important to protect my eyes while I snoopervise Juicy's laser therapy. Plus, all the chicks dig a guy in cool shades."

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It's Just Biology

First, a few weeks ago, Mr. Wild Dingo had the good fortune of getting to pull out an 18" tape worm from Loki's butt. It was stuck and Loki begged Mr. Wild Dingo to help him get it out. Yup, this is the glamorous life, Internet!  So both he and Juno got de-wormed. Where he […]

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Saucy Minx

It's embarrassing. All it takes is a mature, dapper gentleman still in possession of his family jewels for Juno to abandon all modesty to become a saucy minx. I won't show you the other photos because this is a family blog and those photos are rated X. 

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When It's Hard to Say "Goodbye"

How lucky are we to know someone like Jim and his pack who are so hard to say goodbye to?

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Is There a Support Group for Gardening Addiction?

"Daddy-O, how much do you think she'll pay us to make her potted plants look better by sitting next to them?" "Princess, we did not negotiate our contract prior to the job. Maybe we should unionize."

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Slim Fast

"Of course I'm pleased with myself. Just look at me. I'm perfect." 

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Happy Loki-versary!

This weekend marked Loki's 9th year with us and roughly his 10th (maybe 11th) birthday. Time sure flies when you live with a cracker. He's been our greatest teacher, our best friend, our most loyal companion. This is the photo that melted my heart. When I called AHAN, the rescue, they literally said, "I'm not […]

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A Life Without Cheeses

The past two weeks, while Mr. Wild Dingo has been on travel, I, Evil Momma, have led Juno off her spiritual Path of Cheeses. This is what we call a “necessary evil” to lose a few pounds. No matter how much she prayed at the sacred altar of Mount Kitchen Island and proclaimed her faith, […]

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