"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all the Popsicles in my way." Alternative Lyrics from my childhood.
How was your morning? Mine? I spent 87 minutes watching ants work. What can I say? Nature captivates me so much so that it inspired me to invest in a macro lens and focus on small bits of nature. Photographing bees, butterflies and insects as if I were a street photographer, I captured little moments of joy, effort and wonder. I turned that small world into my first book which helped me realized one of life's great lessons: nothing is too small to have an enormous impact on the world.
"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all the Popsicles in my way." Alternative Lyrics from my childhood.
April Showers bring Chive Flowers Aging is a work of art. But every creation goes through that awkward phase. Tacit sorrows: Is it weird that my onion made itself cry? Raindrops on an unopened chive's allium flower/seed pod. Manic Magnolia -- Magnolia season is already at an end. Boo hoo. Like the cherry tree, their […]
I don't know about you all, but I'm feeling nostalgic for the days of when wearing Mom Jeans was the big scandal in Washington. (Thanks Obama!) It's exhausting waiting for this administration to implode. Of all the changes that this administration is doing, climate change policies and EPA-gutting seem the most serious to human beings. Everything […]
A redwood reflection in the bloom of the nectarine tree. This tree in flower bloom is superb! I had no idea. The boy in the blueberry bush bubble. The cracker photobombed me again. He just has to be the center of attention. Nothing wrong with that!
The Bay Area housing crisis has finally affected Fairies. Fairy condominium complexes have sprung up all over Santa Cruz Mountains in tight locations trying to pack in as many fairies as possible. If you’re looking for Fairies, here’s a brilliant, highly-scientific article about finding fairies nearby with excellent advice for how conduct yourselves among fairies. […]
Life is is filled with infinite choices. With Lyme disease, your choices are ruthlessly limited. I’m always measuring how many matches are in my book and deciding on how to use them. I don't get to cram in as much as a normal person can in a day. Instead, I basically have to choose one or […]
This big boy kept me company every day this winter. During a long down time from Lyme disease, I'd lay on the sofa and watch him. He'd sit on this perch for hours, as long as the nectar was flowing. We named him Norm, because, well, he looks like Norm Peterson. "Norm! What's shaking?" "All four […]
I should have taken advantage of the rain this winter practicing rain drop photos, but Babesiosis is a bitch. Sometimes I think if it were only *just* #Lymedisease and *just* Borrelia I had to manage, it would be a piece of cake. I've made tons of progress treating Lyme-MSIDS & CVID these past 3 years. […]
Our Saucer Magnolias are in bloom. It’s hard not to smile a mile wide when you see a magnolia in bloom. Downtown, most trees are in full bloom, while ours up in the mountains are still opening. The history of the ancient species magnolia is as fascinating as it is beautiful. Fossilized specimens date back […]
I don't know about ya'll but I keep holding my breath waiting for Sean Spicer to lose his shit on National TV. I get dizzy watching him spin on every episode of "Survivor: The White House." Any bets on how long he'll last?