writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Jodhpurs for BT's & Hope

Jodhpurs for BT's & Hope

January 15, 2010
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 4 minutes

It was a pure coincidence that 2 BT's were runner ups in the Wild Dingo Big News contest. And since Dozer and Dotti haven't sent me a photo of their derriere for their jodhpur fittings, I had to go ahead and ship the custom made jodhpurs for Hubbles (who's alias is Bougalou Bear) and Mack of Mack's Mess. Wild Dingo is truly sorry for the delay in the fittings and shipping. Holidays, canine specialty activities (search and physical therapy) and clients (hmph!) took priority.

Here's what Isabelle, Hubble's Maman wrote recently of her delicious pressie:

"We have received our yummilicious treats, and the Bougalou Bear, generous host that he is, had to invite his friends Mc Intosh the gourmand
Golden and Megan the lissome Lhassa for a taste. The bloody beasts, er I mean beauteous hounds, immediately ganged up on me and demanded that treats be handed out NOW. I shan’t testify to it in court but I could swear Mc had a gun hidden somewhere in all that winter fur. Not that it was necessary of course; all the B. Bear had to do was to threaten to let go with a particularly fuliginous B-Terrierorist fart and I was quite ready to roll over!

In typical BT fashion, The Bougalou Bear is not overly found of winter outdoor exertion, and that’s quite the understatement believe you me, and has therefore requested that his pantylons be made into lounging gear for luxuriating before the fire-place. Should it prove too troublesome, however, he will be more than happy to wear them with his snazzy coat for the roughly 90 seconds/day he actually spends outside in the winter time."


No problem Isabelle, we made BB's jodhpurs multi-purpose for indoors as well as outdoors in that dreadful snow!

Indoors, BB can lounge by the fire or patrol for pesky squirrels in high fashion Jodhpurs by Juno-Belle!

Outdoors, BB can keep his bootay warm in style! Jodhpurs by Juno-Belle work especially well with many textures, such as this leather snow vest.

Hubbles (BB) was delighted to share his salmon paws with his pals. Can't you just see the delight and generosity in his face? His other pals look tres disappointed in his ficticious generosity.

Mac was a fairly simple fella to fit. He didn't squirm or wiggle while I pinned and shortened, and shortened again and again to get his jodhpurs to fit just right.  He was a very patient model.

 "Do these Jodhpurs make my butt look cute?"
Ah, Mack, your butt was already too cute for words. Ya, the Jodhpurs add some style, but go au-natural when you can. Be yourself. Maybe put them on in winter months!

Thanks for playing Hubbles and Mack. I'm so glad you liked your Salmon Paws!

Now Lets Get Serious about Hope.

You all know how strongly I feel about rescuing dogs. Both my dogs are rescues. I don't have any issues with people buying a breeded dog from a reputable breeder, but I do have problems with pet store animals and obviously puppy mills, so I strongly urge people to resuce. It's one of the most rewarding experiences. Anyone who wants to really understand how far a naughty dog can come, just click on Loki's archives and read about my struggles with him in the very beginning.  Working with a dog of any kind of challenge, behavioral or physical, can be a rewarding experience. Vicky of AHAN, Loki's rescue organization wrote to me a few weeks ago about Hope, a blind golden retriever rescued by a foster parent, Jean, who has given so much to time and money to Hope and Hope has made wonderful progress.

Hope was frail, thin and almost dead when Jean found her and through her diligant care, is so much stronger and almost ready for adoption. You can read Hope's beautiful story here. Hope still needs medical care for. If you would like to donate money to Hope's cause, please click on the AHAN donation icon here and type in "For Hope's mecial costs" in the Pay Pal message box. And lets all give a little hope to our local rescues whenever we can in time or money and hope that we will see less animal suffering in the New year.

Loki & Juno give wags and wiggles to everyone who gives to Hope and gives hope to dogs in need.

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9 comments on “Jodhpurs for BT's & Hope”

  1. What pawesome jodhpurs woo've khrafted!

    That Makhkie Poo is khwite the good BT - but not the same kind of BT as our pals in MinnieSnowDa!

    As fur Hope, tank woo fur sharing her story -

    Merdie and I will do something fur her!


  2. The jodhpur transplant seems to have taken. No sign of REJECTION...AKA... SPRINGTIME SHEDDING. I'm just sayin'.
    PeeS. I think it is wonderful to adopt from shelters. I'm with you about the pet stores and puppy mills. In fact there is a huge court case going on right now in My county. I hope the people who took/and or bought from these people get 87 bazillion green paper from the "mill runners". They are truly evil and should be forced to live like the puppies did.

  3. Oh man... I wish I would've won.. custom fitted jodhpurs! They looked great with that leather vest... glad it wasn't paired with a pair of uggs We r 100% behind you on rescue dogs! I'm one too! You know, regardless of rescued or not, your dog is what you put into your dog!
    PS thanks for the training tips! I appreciate it!

  4. I am a little fluffy at the moment, so I'm not sure that I need jodphurs, but they looks So Stylish! I guess I'll have to add that to my wish list for next Christmas! And we're all with you on the puppy mill/store thing. Mr. Bufus is a rescue kitteh, and is all in favor of rescues. (Me? I came from a small breeder - the only thing I was rescued from was a house full of little kids! But Mom and Dad support a bunch of rescue organizations.)

    *kissey face*

  5. "Coincidence" sez the Bougalou Bear, "Oh, but I beg to differ! This is another glaring proof of Boston Terriers' superior capabilities in OVERTAKING THE WORLD...er, I mean bettering it for the benefit of all, of course!

    Anyway, for battling in style the winter blahs
    By louging before the fire with crossed paws
    Or for catching that pesky Five o'clock squirrel
    Nowt else will do, indeed, but Jodhpurs by Juno-Belle"

    (OK, so not exactly iambic pentameter but we do get points for trying, right?)
    And Mack those jodhpurs look HOT on you, dude!

    More seriously, being himself an alumnus of Boston Terrier Rescue Canada, the Bougalou Bear couldn't agree more: Rescue rocks! Qu'on se le dise!

    Thank you again.

  6. Thank you for reminding us about the orphan doggies. PeeWee and I are both from breeders, but momma and master made very sure that they were good people before they decided to bring us home. We still exchange emails and photos with them and they would take good care of us if anything ever happened to momma and master.


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