writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Moving Day

Moving Day

August 17, 2010
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

 "Princess, if we're working dogs,shouldn't we help the movers load the truck?"
"It depends. What are they offering to satisfy my taste buds?"

 "Cupcake, maybe we should help them move that sofa."
"Big Boy, every long journey always begins with a meaty bone. No bones? No work."

Both dogs are handling the packing really well. They're hanging out and watching the action without much fuss. Neither seems to be too disgruntled, yet. Just wait until they have to sit behind bars for 13 hours. I'm sure there will be hell to pay.

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13 comments on “Moving Day”

  1. The Herd Hu-dad knows his stuff!

    I do hope woo khapture their furst steps on Europa with the flashie beastie!

    PeeEssWoo: I hope woo wave when woo fly over this week!

  2. Help with the packing/moving?!? Are you kidding? There aren't enough meaty bones in the world. Sit and watch others work. That's my motto! 😉 (BTW, Mom says good luck with the moving - Mom's parents moved her back and forth to Saudi Arabia 2 times in the course of 11 years, and it was, well, an adventure. I think it is probably why Mom's Mom has grey hair!)

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy

  3. I want to see the pictures before and after the release from that imprisonment! Ours would not be happy to see any removal of the couch, I can promise you that. You haven't seen a Greyhound get angry until you mess with her couch!

  4. Looks like the princess chose the good lookout spot - keeping an eye one everything that comes out of her castle and making sure it gets on that truck. Good luck with the move - we have missed a lot of posts lately but we do hope all goes well for you on this big journey.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  5. Ummm what what what? Happened? No crackah dog moves? Loki woos been de-crackahed... Unless you r saving it for that swiss cheese. Safe travels-I'm excited to move with woos

  6. hey just don't let them close that door while you're in there.. we know woo's saving all your crackahnezz fur the real fun part!!

    safe travels:) 2 your new doggie house!

  7. Is it that time already? Wow, we have really missed a lot! Good luck with the move and I hope you'll have lots of treats and toys after that long trip in the crates! I can't wait to see pictures! 🙂


  8. Wow - you got to be much more involved than I did! My humans sent me away to stay at the pet hotel the day the movers came coz they thought I'd get in the way and be a danger to the movers - humph! Still, our house was very small compared to your huge place! 😀

    Honey the Great Dane

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