writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Some Days...

Some Days...

February 22, 2012
Posted in: Totally Random | Reading Time: 1 minute

... it doesn't get any better than this.
(Alps over Lake Léman, View from My Office Window)

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11 comments on “Some Days...”

  1. The view out of your office....?????????

    Hmm...I get a roof, a parking lot and the rolling hills of Western PA....and don't have an office....I'm a nurse!!

    Perfectly beautiful.......

    Mumsie, Lacie's adoring maternal unit.

  2. Loki....

    I don't think it all appropriate to call your mom Auntie Dingdong....I shall call her Auntie Dingo, thank you....um...I am a bit worried about her....I had some Broomlag and couldn't sleep and found her in her kitchenette WORKING MY BLENDER. Now, that is only a concern as when I travel overseas, I bring my Smoothies in an EXTREMELY concentrated form....pretty much a 10:1 dilution....

    Imagine my concern WHEN MY HOT CAROB AND LIGHT BREAKFAST DIDN'T ARRIVE AS ORDERD. I went to check with Auntie Dingo and found her in a state of well I don't want to say stuperous slumber, but let's just say SHE WOULDN'T GET UP AND MAKE MY BREAKFAST!!!!

    With this pronouncement, Lacie flies into a RAGE...a well practice full blown HISSY FIT. Her tiny paws thrash to and fro, accompanied by an awful lot of screeching that increases to dangerous decibel levels that threaten to make the cow, comfortably enconsed in the kitchen, GO DRY...as in NO MORE SCHLAG...oops, French word whipped cream?? Have no idea....

    Will the screeching ever stop????

    Stay tuned.....

  3. Loki...LOKI, Scruffy and Stan shout over the screeching....we thought we might be able to help you out with Lacie's tantrums....

    From other visits, it has become apparent that the ONLY thing that calms her is large spoonfuls of BUTTERCREAM frosting that she can scarf down in a ladylike fashion. If they cow is still producing, we suggest cream, vanilla, tons of powdered sugar and some lovely chocolate....she prefers Hersheys (hey we are from PA) but will take Swiss if available.

    As for the Lipton tea thing....you can take the girlie outta the Burgh (Pittsburgh) but not the Burgh outta the girlie....while Lacie thinks she is on the cutting edge of fashion, taste and style, she is truly a girl straight outta a coal/steel town that produces large amounts of Heinz ketchup. Her
    German is ganz furchtbar, and her French truly deplorable..I do believe she does remember the Pledge of Allegience in French...Je jure de fidelite au drapeau des Etats Uni or something or another...

    Oh...and her spelling lacks something too...

    Good Luck Loki....let us know if the tantrum stops.

    Keep her as long as you want....

    The Boyz.

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