writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Members Only

Members Only

May 1, 2013
Posted in: Dogs, Mastheads | Reading Time: 2 minutes


Last month, Mr. Wild Dingo installed the on and off ramps to the tree house and raised their flag at full staff.  They were dismantled for safety reasons while we were living in Switzerland. Juno was pleased as punch. Lately she enjoys eating her raw bones up there after her morning runs. Both dogs are petitioning for club member collars.

I was 12 when Members Only brand became popular.  "When you put it on, something happens," was the advertising slogan. Exactly! You get warm. A clever slogan for a rather ordinary jacket. I never understood the appeal of the brand and it seemed neither did most of the world. The brand went out of style quickly in the 90's only to come back as retro-dork in the early 2000's as it made for comic relief in TV Shows like The O.C. and the Soprano's and movies like Shallow Hal, The Love Guru, and my personal favorite, Zoolander.  Today the brand's website takes on that retro-dork imagery with "famous members", such as Zac Efron, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra, shown wearing the popular brand.

And now the cracker and the criminal are petitioning for its revival in dog wear. Maybe these two have just the hip this brand needs.


Members Only
No Katz! No Skwerulz! No Bathz!

May 2013


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6 comments on “Members Only”

  1. She remembered her fort after her long stay "en Suisse." When i brought the ramps out of storage (laying under some redwoods) she ran up to one and started tugging on one of the old rope railings. Like she was helping in the repair. Then when i had the ramps back up but no new railings she came running out of the house to go into her tree fort, but i had to put her back in because she is not allowed on without railings (she and Loki have tried more than once to go around each other on the ramp). Anyway she thinks it is hers and is happy to have it back.

  2. Of course its hers, silly human. She's a Siberian Princess.... everything is hers.
    This si awesome - We have GOT to get our dad to build us a cool fort, too!

    Jack & Moo

  3. That is great! I would love to join you up in your lookout tower. I'll bet you can see my house from there.


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