writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

In the Fur

In the Fur

June 7, 2013
Posted in: Dogs, Totally Random | Reading Time: 2 minutes


For those 3 readers not following the other 3 readers who follow us on Facebook, here's a little piece of news: Mr. Wild Dingo and I got to meet some very famous Internet celebrities, in the FUR! Last week, we met up with Norwood and his bean along with Jack, Moo and their hu-mom. What a dream come true!  I'm not even sure meeting William Shatner would top this. We met up at a place called Purgatory Chasm for a little walkie action.

Nordude, his Bean and FAD

Nordude was accompanied by his bean and his FAD, Tula's Mom. Tula Monstah couldn't make it as she was having a mani-pedi and washing her furs that day. But it sure was fun having her bean around for all that extra petting. Don't worry FAD! I won't send Tula any of the photos I have of you making over Miss Moo.


This dude is funny on the 'net and even funnier in real life. I was really bummin' that he left his Harry Funballs at home but all for naught. That dude's got a whole lotta his own funballs. Pounce and bounce and cracker to the soul. But lets be truthful: I just wanted an excuse to say and write "Harry Funballs." I'll never grow up.

MWD and Moo

See that back leg action on Moo? Mr. Wild Dingo has that affect on all the---cue the Barry White Voice---ladies.   Juno would be so disappointed.

MWD, Jack, Moo

Nope. That is not Mr. Wild Dingo doing walkies with some other pups! No way. No how. (There were retributions when he got home.)


And you wouldn't catch me being so disloyal and walking any pups whose names were NOT Loki or Juno. Nope. No way.


Oh, um, oops! I was accidentally holding her leash.


Oh! Oops again! Another accidental leash hold.

Those leashes just fell into my hands, Juno & Loki. I swear to dawg!

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3 comments on “In the Fur”

  1. We saw that you all met when we read Jack and Moo's post. You must have had a blast with Nordude - AND Jack and Moo. Wish we could have joined the hike.

    We bet Loki and Juno gave you all a good sniffing when you got home.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. How fun! We did see Jack and Moo's post so we jealous then too! Jack is one of my "twins"! Khyra, of course, is the other. So mean of your humans NOT to take you along!

    Khady Lynn

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