"Princess, do woo ever look back at the path woo took wondering if woo missed the scent of a nearby bunny?" "Why look back, Daddy-O? Been there, done that, bought the harness. I'm all about the bunnies and squirrels in the here and now!"
"Princess, do woo ever look back at the path woo took wondering if woo missed the scent of a nearby bunny?" "Why look back, Daddy-O? Been there, done that, bought the harness. I'm all about the bunnies and squirrels in the here and now!"
Notice anything, readers? Ah! I couldn't pull the wool over your eyes. Wild Dingo had little face-lift. I spent a long time getting up close with the inner working of my WordPress website this year. If you know even a little about WordPress, you can understand how giving your site a face lift after 8 […]
Happy Anniversary to my husband and best friend. Seventeen years together. Ten of those years chronically sick. Five of them an expensive roller coaster ride. Thank dog we were both emotionally and financially fit before it all began. Even in my recovery, he continues to help me learn how to be a normal person again. […]
I've been internet-quiet these days. Since I "woke up" from the Lyme-induced fugue state I've been in for 5 years, I caught up with the news to discover Facebook not only contributed to the election chaos in our own country, but in 2 other countries as well, causing a rise of hatred and violence through […]
I'm a little late in posting this but Mr. Wild Dingo and I went sailing with some friends in September and had a fantastic day on the San Francisco Bay!
This morning, as I prepared my cup of Pu'erh tea, I had an ominous feeling of the microwave's eye following me around the room. I thought Juno had a handle on all the moles around our house. "The duck flies at midnight," I whispered to the microwave. No response. Maybe I should have said, "Hi […]
To me, in the world of blogging, there's nothing more uninteresting than a post explaining why the writer hasn't posted in a while. The point of a blog is to write something interesting, right? And nothing is more boring than how I spent the last 2 months battling a relapse of Babesiosis. To make a long […]
"Write a book," they all keep saying. Well, here's your book. It's not for sale on Amazon. Sorry about that. Amazon requires a huge mark up for print-on-demand photography books like this. But it's for sale in hardcover and softcover. Visit the shop page to read more. I'm also selling my photography through Zenfolio which is also […]
I'm not the same woman he married 15 years ago. We blissfully started our lives together as an active, social couple who enjoyed the outdoors. Neither of us could have foreseen the endless health challenges that would completely turn me into quite the opposite. But we face them together and he's been a rock through […]