345/365 These mushrooms don't last long in our forest. They're quite delicate and vanish after a big storm. They grow in mulch so their root systems aren't so stable.
Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.
345/365 These mushrooms don't last long in our forest. They're quite delicate and vanish after a big storm. They grow in mulch so their root systems aren't so stable.
Even Computers get Lyme Disease - 344/365 "It's as if there is some bug so deep in your PC that no virus program can find or fix, and it gets carried over to each new PC you get," said MWD about my latest technology drama.
Coq au Vin 343/365 "People eat because they're hungry. I want to make food that makes people stop eating." -- Bradley Cooper in Burnt. Have you seen the movie? I really liked it because the viewer had to read between the spoken lines. And the dishes served? Nothing short of a work of art. […]
342/365 Juno gives a fond farewell to one of her favorite Physical Torturers, err, Therapists, Miss Nicole. We are sad to see you go but happy that you are moving on to great opportunities in helping pups feel fantastic. Juno's Jodhpurs thank woo! "Here's a husky hickey to remember me by Miss Nicole!"
339/365 I think this is mushroom species is Coprinopsis from the family Psathyrellaceae and the genus corpinus as is the image posted on 333/365, a shroom with a shawl. They only grown in one specific location on our property, where as other mushroom varieties appear all over the place. 339/365 This particular species is white […]
It's only January and the ladies are already out foraging for whatever they can find for the hive on creeping rosemary. 338/365
One Pot Pork Chops with Warm Escarole Salad - 336/365 It sure is nice to have my appetite back! For the past few years, when I had energy, I'd cook but I wouldn't always eat what I cooked because of the constant nausea brought on by the incessant antibiotics. Thanks to daily intake of bone […]
Wine Goals - 335/365 "My number one goal is to get my patients drinking again," said my Lyme doctor.
Get your 'shrooms in a row! 331/365 The rain brings such a huge variety of mushrooms all over our property. Some cute, some not so cute.
Perfect Weather - 330/365 Is it crazy that I love cold, foggy rainy days? Mr. Wild Dingo would be very happy if we never had rain, but ever since Lyme hit me, I've longed for long dark cold winters. Although some days are still too warm for me (in the 50's or 60's), there have […]