writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Home Remodel

Home Remodel

July 22, 2009
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes


How is it that we've lived in our home now two years and we have yet to finish a bathroom, put in landscaping, buy artwork, furnish the dining room, repaint areas that need painting or do any of the 457 things that need to be done, but our dogs' treehouse is already on its first remodel?

As much as we love seeing Juno school Loki by defending the treehouse or blocking him in it, we thought it'd be safer if there were a second exit/entry to keep either one (ok..."Loki") from being a bonehead and jumping off the high ramps. In addition, Mr. Wild Dingo added "wings" to the higher ramps to keep their paws from slipping off the edges at fast speeds.


A second ramp was added to the back and Loki sits in what is known as the "chew nook." It's where Juno takes all of Mr. Wild Dingo's tools and hardware and has her way with them.  As anyone knows, remodels always cost more than the original building and the new addition cost as much or slightly more than the original structure due to its complexity and added safety features.


"I love these ramp wings, but wish I had a lock for that back door!"


I just love it when Juno looks like a wolf. The meanest she'll ever get is with a lick to your face.


"Woooo Wooo! Now I have to defend two doors to trap evil in my tower!"


Nope. She dosn't like this place at all.


It took Juno 3.5 seconds to figure out how to defend both doors of the treehouse from barbarians entering. But she has no way of trapping one up there. That makes everyone at Wild Dingo rest a little easier.

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4 comments on “Home Remodel”

  1. nice posting honey. Juno looks very happy (as she usually does when her gum-drop nose is not imperiled)

  2. Oh a comment from Mr. Wild Dingo! Juno is officially honored and Loki's like "ya, but when's he comin' home to play tug?"

  3. I LOVE how Juno asserts herself, when it comes to this tree house! So sneaky, so smart! Of course, Loki always finds a way around the road blocks. The tree house is a wonderful idea, with fabulous construction and smart ramps. Very, very cool. Wish I had the time and tools to build one for Sugar. She would love it.

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