writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle



September 25, 2009
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

This title is going to pull la lot of  "questionable" search engine results to Wild Dingo. But I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.


 "Who's your momma?"

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6 comments on “Dominatrix”

  1. Woooos! Nice title, Mom will have to think about using that one sometime, just for fun.
    Mom says that training a Husky requires tons of time, lots of cheese and more patience than you can imagine. She still does not trust me outside off leash, so I have never competed at an outdoor event, luckily most obedience trials here in florida were inside, so she felt more secure. I am retired now, but I did compete, and I was the only Husky in competition, but she knows there are others who do this too, and we can be trained, with the right food and the right patient trainer. It gets easier as we get older, the desire to jump and run lessons slightly, just because it hurts too much now if I overdo it!

    -Kira The BeaWootiful

    PeeEssWoo- If you have any questions or anything, feel free to email Mommy at pamela@pamelasart.com

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