writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

A Post About Nothing

A Post About Nothing

January 12, 2011
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 6 minutes

As long time readers know, this fall, I introduced the cracker and the criminal to farm animals. The Swiss love to move their animals around  to different locations for grazing so it's always a surprise to come across a herd of goats and donkeys or bulls in a place that's always been empty.

"Princess, LOOK at those monsters! I wonder who the pack leader is?"
"Big boy, why don't you mosey on up to the one laying down? The one with the horns and ask him?"

Sigh. Typical Sibe. Always setting up the scape goat for the inevitable fallout. Speaking of goats:

"Princess, check out THOSE beasts over there. They come with horns AND in different colors"
"Dude if Mom wasn't here, I'd be so getting a closer inspection. They look like they need a husky check up."

Then the curious donkeys walked up.

"Hey little fella over there, what's your name? Do you have any foods?"
"Hmmm, Mr. Big Fella... you look very familiar. I just can't put my finger on it. You're strangely handsome..."

Yup, it was like looking in a mirror.  Long lost cousins perhaps?

"Big Boy, now you know why I call you an ass sometimes. I swear to dogs, it's because I think you look as handsome as that donkey. Really."

We've been remiss to write any stories about our hometown Tolochenaz because it's been under construction all summer and fall. But that's coming soon.


But Loki made plenty of friends with the construction crew. He's such a boy's dog. On a recent walk down the trout trail a Swiss fella suggested I'd let them off-leash to run in the field. He asked if I was afraid of him not returning. But the damn cracker is confusing mittens for tug toys lately. Does anyone know how to say in French, "Oh he'll return all right--with someone's arm!"

In other news, as many of you know, we're sponsoring Mango Minster.

Last year, Juno won reader's choice for sporty dogs her entry here and Loki won reader's choice for cracker dog with his entry here. He also won second place by the judge. We're not entering this year, but not because we're bad sports or sore about losing. (Dang it we shoulda won!) Besides, Loki and Juno both had lovely things to say about the deserving winners here and here.  I just haven't been very active in doggy cyber-world. Call me a non-participator. A poor sport. Whatever. But living in a country where you don't understand a damn thing, learning the language, teaching yourself culinary cuisine and hosting everybody and their momma's who want to suddenly come visit us (not that I'm complaining about that; great house guests are always welcome),  leaves little time for doggie sports and fun. Oh believe me, the cracker and the criminal are making me pay for that.

When the famous MM 2011 sprang up, I thought it appropriate to sponsor the cracker category. Every cracker deserves the best cheese right? I still don't know HOW I'm going to ship it, but I'll figure it out. Appenzeller, Ementellar and Gruyere are considered the creme de la creme of Swiss Cheeses. So I'll make sure it's a great mix of excellent cheeses. Just ask the second runner-up winners of Juno's Dansko mastication pool.

Speaking of the mastication bet, the Dansko's are still alive and well, but there've been plenty of other Siberian masticatory parties that have new themes. Yes, you read it right. NEW items have been found and destroyed. It makes me wish Mango Minster had a Masticatory Expert category. We'd so win that. I wouldn't even have to work hard on that entry.

And finally in cooking news.  The TravelMarx sent me two AWSOME books, one of them is the  Gastronomy of Italy, a book that documents the geography of Italy through cuisine. It's delightful and has kick-ass recipes.  I've always wanted to learn to cook well, and for the most part what I could cook fast (puttanesca and sauteed bitter greens) was very good. But I've never really had the time to study the art of cooking. So since I'm not working I decided now was a good time to teach myself by reading and trying.

Mr. Wild Dingo's all, "so is this a cooking blog now?" Sigh. Mr. Wild Dingo doesn't get it. This is a blog about nothing,  with a whole-lotta doggie stories.   Besides, I always share our dishes with the cracker and the criminal, and I'm so sure readers would like to know what they eat to keep their coats in tip top shape, right?

Here's a recipe above that Brooke of Evolution of Darwin left in my blog post. A very simple roasted chicken with kalamata olives. I altered the recipe slightly adding rosemary and garlic. The risotto next to it is done with radicchio and red wine, giving it a pretty purple color. So far all my meats have been cooked just right. Not over done or underdone. Which shocks me since the reason I'm doing all this is because I don't know much about meat.

After the chicken dinner, we had these bad boys for dessert. Pears braised in very fine sugar, a fresh stalk of Mexican vanilla and of course red wine. A very easy recipe, that takes 30 minutes to make and chilled for an hour in the fridge. Mr. Wild Dingo over indulged and ate two. He paid for it later. (Hint: what happens when you eat three sticks of cotton candy at the fair?)

And finally, on another night we had broccoli rabe with sausage.  Like all Italians I love bitter veggies. The risotto next to it is a simple basic risotto but instead of salt, I used a truffle salt mix that gave it such a devine taste. My whole life I never tried truffles. I finally tried some and can't wait to make a recipe with them.  Mr. Wild Dingo gave this four thumbs up (because he had seconds). And he's all, "maybe you should take some cooking classes." Methinks Mr. Wild Dingo approves of my new hobby.

Mr. Wild Dingo tortures the dogs with their broccoli rabe second dinner. They always get second dinner.
"Hey Pop, put down those hands already and nobody gets hurt. Kay?"

"Geesh, I seriously don't understand all the fuss about making us wait. No Sibe waits for delicious sausage."


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17 comments on “A Post About Nothing”

  1. As far as we can tell, pretty much all blogs are about nothing. The interesting ones are the ones with lots of dog stories. I mean, what could be more interesting than that? Except a plate of broccoli rabe, of course. (We really are deprived over here.)

    jack & moo

  2. Oooh. Cooking blog. I'd be totally into that, as long as we can find your recipes somewhere, too - some of that stuff is looking mighty yummy, and the husband is getting a bit cranky about eating 'the same old stuff'. And frankly, a cooking/dog (not 'cooking dog' - meaning, either The Poodle Chef, or puppy stew recipes *grin* - puppy stew is a joke (or threat in bad taste... *hah*) around here, BTW) blog sounds pretty much like the perfect combination to me. Besides, tell Mr. Wild Dingo that you could always turn it into a 'Shoe Shopping Blog' if he steps out of line! 😉

    Heehee. So what happened to your snow? Or are these really picture from another season? (We have snow of some variety often from September to June, so I'm always interested in places that don't have a small glacier in their backyard... oh... wait... you do!!!) Sorry. I should just shut up now... 🙂

    -Dr. Liz (the girls are napping; we skied for 4 hours, came home and played frisbee for 45 minutes, and now we're all in serious need of naps...)

  3. mmmmm. Truffles. mmmmm.
    Sorry I got distracted for a moment. Truffle salt sounds excellent! I may have to look for some!
    I love that chicken dish cause you can change it up however you want and its still good! I usually put a slab (pad) of butter under the skin. mmmm.
    I can't let Darwin see this because she'd want second dinners too! She gets some of our food, usually a piece of tomato or rice, but not a whole plate food! She said she wants to go visit you (me too!) so she can eat with Juno and Loki!
    And READERS! YES, the chocolate assortment we won for the masticatory bet was awesome! If Darwin was a cracker dog I'd totally enter just for a chance for a cheese assortment!

  4. As for the Bad Sports? Billy was evil (cute, but evil) and TaiChi was just old and wily. In my defense, they were BOTH my husband's dogs long before I came into the picture. As for Abby's potential bad sport-ed-ness, uh, *looks around whistling* uh... Gary actually picks the dogs, so I'll still blame him! 🙂

    -Dr. Liz, Proud Mother of Two (and possibly three) Bad Sports

  5. The food photos! Oh no! Makes my dinner of whoopie pies look pretty sorry.

    Apparently Loki is related to an ass? No surprise there.


  6. Wow that food looks so delicious!!

    That's great that you're sponsoring Mango Minster. I thought food couldn't be shipped though . . . maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe it's specific countries. I sure would love some yummy cheese though. Maybe I should teach Jackal to be a cracker dog . . . must go ponder my options . . .

    I think Loki's Ass relative is gorgeous! What a pretty donkey . . . did you happen to notice if it was female? Zep might need a girlfriend LOL!

    Glad the pups are enjoying themselves. 🙂

  7. You had me rolling when I got to the long lost cousin! Juno, there's a special place in heaven for you, just for your witty cracks.

    I think the crackers and cheese is a perfect choice for you! I wish I had a cracker dog to enter, but I don't think we could compete. Well, Lilac is crazy, but not quite cracker dog.

    I'm dying to see pictures of Loki in the tummy warmer! I just know it will push hubby over the edge and he'll finally get one for Morgan. Considering how much she hates the rain, he ought to break down and get her a rain coat, too!

  8. Sheesh, and here we were just about ready to invite ourselves over for a visit:)

    We think donkeys have a thing for pups - the ones that live near us always come right over to the fence - they are Phantom's pals.

    We love seeing what you are cooking - it all looks so good. Of course, you know we love reading about Loki and Juno - can't wait to hear about the new mastication categories.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. oh loki, those darn ears gave it away! not to mention juno barking it to the whole entire internet!

    yah yah.. crackah & cheese time. and this time, nordude can enter the crackah category and win your cheese! drooooooool.


  10. I would say in French: Il va revenir bien-sûr mais avec le bras de quelqu'un!

    Can I have a pear now? I am ready for a pear! 🙂

  11. I love donkeys! The ears win me over every time. Maybe that's why I've always been drawn to Loki!

    My pups are on their way to share in those gourmet doggy meals!

  12. TWO dinners! Man, there has to be some kind of equality law that says if some dogs get two dinners, all dogs get two dinners. Is there an International Court of Canine Justice? A European Commission on Doggie Rights? If we could get a judgment there, maybe we could get an American court to enforce it.

    We also wondered if your local landscape had reverted to a verdant green in the middle of winter.

    Jed & Abby

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