writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Hot Stock Tip

Hot Stock Tip

June 9, 2011
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

Wild Dingo predicts a bull market in the flip flop industry. Timing: 24-hours after Mr. Wild Dingo finds this latest flip flop mastication. Zappos stock headed for sharp gains.

(Sorry Mr. Wild Dingo)

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15 comments on “Hot Stock Tip”

  1. Ru Roow...How can you fault a face like that. Is it her fault you sucked it up into the vacuum cleaner..(at least that's something I've been know to do)

  2. hehe..they must just taste really good.

    I had to laugh at your comment about Bokeh's "Crazy" eyes. He does have a ton of drive in him.

  3. I appreciate the insider news. I'm going to go sell all my gold stocks and by flip-flop stocks! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Heehee. Oh, and the dogs appreciate your kind invitation, but since I've recently been in a ZZ Top mood, they're feeling much cooler. Now if I had the car to go with the music they'd be totally stylin'!

    -Dr. Liz

  4. Warren Buffet says buy what you use. For you, Zappos. For us, paper towels. Pretty much sums up the difference between your elegant continental lifestyle and our plebeian suburban one.

    Jed & Abby

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