writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Punked Out

Punked Out

March 12, 2012
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes

"Talk to the jodhpurs, Punk. This Sibe's not listening."
Juno anticipates Loki's punk move.

On our walks, if I'm not recalling Juno for straying too far, then the rest of my time is spent calling Loki off of Juno.  Their relationship is complicated. In the house, Juno rules supreme. On walks, Loki pulls out the punk in order to spur her into chasing him. But Juno is never interested in his shenanigans when we're out on a walk and instead tries her best to ignore him. The video below is a small collection of Loki's punk-ass moves. But don't worry Internet. The movie is purely educational. I don't allow him to pester her like this on an ongoing basis.

On a recent walk however, I was too distracted to call him off in time. Earlier, Juno had witnessed our walking friend Mona, a small elderly beagal put Loki in his place. Half way into the walk, while I was too busy yapping with Mona's mom, Loki proceeded to punk Juno. And that's when I heard the loudest "Shut the F*ck Up" I've ever heard come out of Juno's mouth. It was as if she modeled the little beagle's methods.  It was purely noise but she made her point. It pleased me to no end to know that Juno could take care of herself if I didn't have her back.

Enjoy the music. This song is so purely Loki, it's not even funny.

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14 comments on “Punked Out”

  1. Loki, Loki, Loki, you are the crackerist of them all. What is with those drive-by moves? Sheesh.

    I do admire your form during indoor bitey face. Nice jaw extension and lip curl. All for naught, I fear. You can never really win with those bossy gals.


  2. BOL I love your style Juno, let the Cracker tire himself out first, but I have to say if id have been there a game of chase me would have happened.

  3. Here I am at home with lung rot and I laughed so hard, I nearly coughed up a lung! I swear, Loki and Morgan share at least part of the same gene pool! My God, that's so Morgan I can't even believe it! And Bunny has the same bark as Juno to tell her off! The ironic part is that while Bunny won't play with Morgan, she plays with Kuster like a fiend, way rougher that she'd ever play with Morgan. Heck, she even told Morgan off for me yesterday when I was too sick to tell her off on my own. Morgan seems to think that when I'm sick, she has carte blanche to do whatever she thinks is the right thing. Darned Shepherd!

  4. Well, Lightning has not an ounce of GSD in him, but he is Loki's clone, ever the punker, mainly with Ciara. And yes, she will tell him off when she is just fed up.

    But you do have to admit that Ms. Juno was quite the tease in that scene on the bed with the toy:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  5. I think Loki and Abby should be stuck in a padded room together; they can pounce on each other until the get worn out, and then the can chew on the walls. Meanwhile, Fi and Juno can share tips on Rotten Siblings and How To Win Out in the End. Fi usually puts up with Abby until she's had enough, and then she'll take Abby by the scruff of the neck and throw her to the ground. (Which Abby thinks is just way too fun... *sigh*) Crackers - what can you do?

    -Dr. Liz, who has taken a 2 minute break from actual work 😉

  6. We both do that, but for different reasons. Abby punks Jed to get him to chase her and play. Jed punks Abby when mama sends him to 'bring Abby' and he always manages to lead her into the house. Rottrover may well be right though, about Juno protecting her hips during full court press punking.

    Jed & Abby

  7. Well you ain't got nuttin' on me,PunkyBoy! I could show woo a move or two to add to your outdoor arsenal!

    ~Miss Moo

  8. Hee! Hee! Poor Loki - he just so desperately wanted Juno to come and chase him! 🙂 Great video. Always amazed by his energy. And so jealous that you get to walk through vineywards!!!! 😯


  9. Loki we were wondering where your on/off switch was when you were chasing around. Glad you managed to finally stop. Taffy says if you need help securing your bed he is more than happy to come and "grin" with you.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

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