writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

It's All Fun-N-Games Until Someone Comes Home in a Lampshade

It's All Fun-N-Games Until Someone Comes Home in a Lampshade

March 29, 2013
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute


"WTF did woo do to my Princess Juno?"


"Relax Big Boy, it's only a surface wound on my Teddy bear ear."


"Besides, if you just keep your stupid Clooneys* behind a closed yapper then I wouldn't be wearing this ridiculous contraption."
"I'm so sorry Princepessa! I know not the power or the length of my Clooneys."

Fear not readers. These guys are great pals.  It was just a stupid accident where Juno's ear found the wrong side of the cracker's tooth.  She didn't even need stitches, just some glue to hold the piece of skin together on her ear. Rest assured, Loki has apologized many times and not only is avoiding Juno like the plague but is allowing her into his bed with the cone on.   It's hard to be mad at the cracker when he's that sorry.

*Clooneys=Loki's teeth, sparkling as white as George Clooney's teeth.

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7 comments on “It's All Fun-N-Games Until Someone Comes Home in a Lampshade”

  1. LOVE the title of this post! Well, the occassional accident will happen when yu have sparkling white Clooneys (or in Jack's case, sparkling white Mr. Fangs). Me thinkgs Juno finds its worth that brief moment of pain to keep the Cracker groveling under her paw!!! Heal, girl! ~Miss Moo

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