writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

Breaking Points & Invalids

First off, we at Wild Dingo are overwhelmed with the all the warm wishes that have been tossed our way for Juno Belle. Overwhelmed. Thank you so much for all the warm wishes, thoughts and comments that keep rolling in. Juno is home tonight, resting next to her cone of shame, which is there in […]

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Cross Paws for Juno Belle Jodhpurs

Juno's in the hospital. Since Thursday she's had a fever of 104. Thinking it was viral or mild flu, the vet had given her anti-inflamatory to bring down the fever. On Saturday, I had to bring her in as it was not returning to normal and she was not walking well. She ran blood tests […]

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One Singular Sensation

"Hey that dame at the end with the high kick looks familiar." "Can it Loki. Kick higher! We're not going to make the cut with hamstrings like that."

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Randomly falling trees are no fun when one is snoozing peacefully or playing tug in the back yard with the TravelMarx. And since we had two trees fall so early in the winter season, Loki and Juno took matters into their own paws and rented a backhoe, hired a few helpers with opposable thumbs and decided to […]

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Tree Fallin'!

"We had absolutlely nothing to do with this.  And if you ask one more question, we're calling our lawyer."

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We're Waiting for You

Wow a week has gone by quickly. Everything has gone smoothly inspite of a nearby wildfire, a wind storm, a fallen tree, and a few power outages. Juno and Loki have been great sports, great fun and good company. We celebrated our last full day together with two raw bones. Yummy. Only one day to […]

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Bulletin for Mom and Pop: all is well but we miss you. We tried interrogating the visitor by licking him but it didn't work. He won't reveal your whereabouts. We will work on him some more. He has gotten better at keeping shoes hidden - did you or your friends say something to him? Where […]

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Big Paws to Fill

All is well. I can almost walk around without constantly checking my instruction packet. German commands just bubble out of me without any effort. Juno and Loki have been patient with us whether it's getting up in the morning or assembling their meals. Yesterday we played a lot in the yard. Today, we played and […]

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Out of the Office

Wild Dingo is out of the office October 22-29, visiting the foliage on the East Coast. TravelMarx may be guest-blogging occassionally (its not guaranteed) -- if you hound them. Feel free to hound them for a Loki or Juno fix at travelmarx @ wilddingo.com (type it in as normal to your email program). "We'll just […]

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Scary Smart

A few weeks ago, I won a free evaluation from a dog behaviorist and CAV (certified accupuncture veterinarian). So I used the evaluation on Retardo since there were a few behaviors that still needed work.  The behaviorist/vet was awesome and had a bunch of insight on why Retardo acts like, well, Retardo. While she was […]

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