writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Year: 2009

Jodhpurs is in Da Hooouuuse!

Juno's home! When she came into the private room at the hospital yesterday, she acted almost normal. She jumped on me, licked me at least 87 times and play bowed about 16 times. She cried happy cries. She knew she was coming home. Nurses at VMS continue to rave on about her wonderful behavior, sweet […]

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TravelMarx for Hire, Well, Maybe...

I've been meaning to post some awesome photos that the TravelMarx took while they were dog-sitting the terrible twosome. But before I do, here's an update on Juno's health. We think she'll be coming home tomorrow. It depends on if she's able to keep her temperature normal, which it has been since Saturday, while on oral(not […]

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Puzzling Jodhpurs

Mr. Wild Dingo, Loki and I visited Juno Belle Jodhpurs on Saturday. Her temperature was down to 101-102-ish and she seemed alert.  I showed up first and took her for a walk and then Mr. Wild Dingo showed up. She actually wagged at him, as if she liked him or something. I left Loki in the car […]

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Eight days. Batting Zero.

I didn't post early today because I was waiting for answers. Yesterday, I met with the awesome specialist, Dr. Mclain, at VMS. Up until yesterday, Juno's temperature remained 104 degrees. ALL her radiology and ultrasounds of all organs were normal. Blood tests and repeated blood tests ALL showed normal, except slightly elevated white blood cell count and showing […]

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WTF? Six Days, Thousands of Dollars and Still No Answer

Things are still not good in the House of Dingo. Juno is still very sick. Her fever has not broken and she's been on Baytril for several days. Her fever should have broken by now. Today it was 104.8. She wouldn't eat any meat this morning, though she ate a ton of chickn last night. […]

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That's what the radiologist said yesterday, repeatedly about Juno. Can you believe that? Juno's a lot of things, but "boring" isn't one of them! Insulting! Here's how the conversation between my vet, Dogtor Hilary, and the Radiologist went: Heart and valves: "Boring." Lungs: "Boring" Kidneys & Adrenals: "Boring" Liver: "Boring." Oh! O.K. that's what we want […]

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Breaking Points & Invalids

First off, we at Wild Dingo are overwhelmed with the all the warm wishes that have been tossed our way for Juno Belle. Overwhelmed. Thank you so much for all the warm wishes, thoughts and comments that keep rolling in. Juno is home tonight, resting next to her cone of shame, which is there in […]

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Cross Paws for Juno Belle Jodhpurs

Juno's in the hospital. Since Thursday she's had a fever of 104. Thinking it was viral or mild flu, the vet had given her anti-inflamatory to bring down the fever. On Saturday, I had to bring her in as it was not returning to normal and she was not walking well. She ran blood tests […]

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One Singular Sensation

"Hey that dame at the end with the high kick looks familiar." "Can it Loki. Kick higher! We're not going to make the cut with hamstrings like that."

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Randomly falling trees are no fun when one is snoozing peacefully or playing tug in the back yard with the TravelMarx. And since we had two trees fall so early in the winter season, Loki and Juno took matters into their own paws and rented a backhoe, hired a few helpers with opposable thumbs and decided to […]

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