writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Loki Thanks the Readers of Mango Minster

Loki Thanks the Readers of Mango Minster

February 8, 2010
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes

I've been holding off telling Loki of the good news about his Readers Choice win at Mango Minster, because, well, we just fixed our ceilings from the last time he went cracker insane on us and it was nice to enjoy flat ceilings with no holes in them. But I couldn't wait any longer so here I am telling him the news below.

Loki, I have some news:

"Ut oh cupcake. This sounds serious."
"Retardo, I can get us, err, me, out of anything with my cute and wiggly ways."

No, it's nothing to be concerned about. I have some good news!  Loki won the Readers Choice award for Cracker Dog Insane Dog at Mango Minster!

"Whoopie! I won something! Whooo hoo! People like me!"

"Pipe down Daddy-O. Like, 87 million people on the Internet just thinks you're cracked-up, just like I always said. Like we should be surprised?"
"I'm not listening to you!"

Well, there's more! Norwood, the Esteemed CDIT Judge chose Loki as second place in the Cracker Dog Insane Terrier category!

"Woooo wee! A judge liked me too! That means I MUST be good cuz judges are like really wise and stuff!"

"Wait a minute... I'm a TERRIER?"
"Sigh. Mom, where did you pick up this doofus anyway?"

No Loki, you're not a terrier. But you were cracker insane enough to compete in that group. And the readers and obviously the judge think so too!

So Loki, what do you think about the winner, Taffy?

"Dude, I can't hold a candle to this cracker-dog-insantity!"

Wild Dingo thanks Mango Minster and all the awesome terriers who let us join their group for the fun and games. Secretly blog world (and don't tell Loki or Juno) but Wild Dingo has always wished for a terrier. A cute Carin, a Yorkie, or even better, a Jack Russel Terror, err, Terrier.  So it was such an honor to compete among the crackerieness!

Loki thanks the readers and his chief campaign supporter Sugar Sweet. One day cutie-pants, he'll take you on a date!

WD: Loki, now that you've won the Reader's Choice award for Cracker Dog Insane Terrier at Mango Minster, what are you going to do now?
LJS: I'm going to do what Princepessa tells me to do!

Sigh. That's my boy.

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23 comments on “Loki Thanks the Readers of Mango Minster”

  1. Oh Yeah Loki you were for sure in the right group!! Butt look at it this way, EVERYBUDDY loves a great CRACKER, and some crackers are REALLY RITZy !!! I'm just sayin'.

    Hey will you do me a favor??? We are due for ANOTHER big snow starting in the night and going clear until WEDNESDAY NIGHT. I might not be able to comment or post if the electric goes out or my satellite dish can't send or receive. If anyone askes... would you PLEASE explain? Thanks.

  2. OMD, I almost spilled the beans to Loki. I emailed regarding the prize. Phew. As for the victory shots... precious 🙂 Congratulations again and again and... I'm excited too, you were contagious.

  3. Congrats on both wins, Loki!!! Now be good and don't spoil the ceilings. And we have to offer another round of congratulations to you for being so smart that you know you need to listen to the Princepessa. She has you well-trained:)

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  4. Wooos Loki, your Mom certainly knew where to place woo eh? Congrats on your win Cracker dog!
    -Kira The BeaWootiful and still snowless!

  5. I khan see you wears the jodhpurs in the house...

    PeeEssWoo: Khongrats to all the winning wild dingo furamily members!

  6. Way to go Loki, you're officially loco!!!! Actually, those are some very cute photos of you receiving the news.

    I didn't know that there was a Cracker dog insane category. I have a candidate for next year!

    I answered your question within the comments on my blog. The whole thing started with reading a Patricia McConnell book on multi-dog households (I forgot to say that in my answer).

    Our little Find It game is how I get my urge to train my dogs to use their noses to find stuff that I could otherwise never find!

  7. Congrats Loki! 🙂 I love that 5th picture!

    Sorry my mom has been sooooo bad about helping me catch up on blogs! I'm off to catch up on everything here! I love the new header! 🙂


  8. Good for you, Loki! Fudge and Tsar both say they're glad to have been your co-contestants. It was fun and kept a lot of blogs busy for a week. Now back to the snow.

  9. This is in response to your comment on Jackal's blog. 🙂

    LOL! The cardboard box was a temporary holding pen for the chicks and was used to carry them to the brood box. The brood box is actually four feet by two and a half feet and made of wood with a wire top. It has a heat lamp, shaving, feeder, waterer. They live in luxury.

    Storm really is a good Siberian! She has some of the bad habits like being an escape artist and having selective hearing, but she's by far better behaved than some of the wilder Sibes out there. 😉

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