writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

This Place Rocks

This Place Rocks

July 2, 2011
Posted in: Dogs, Mastheads | Reading Time: 3 minutes

This month's masthead came from an outing we did just yesterday in Lausanne, at a Parc Vidy. We met up with another Anglophone who had been advertising dog walks in this area for a while now. This place rocks. Lausanne loves dogs and provides plenty of areas for them to be on or off leash in fenced or unfenced parks near the beach or on trails.

The park is beautiful, and is right on the waterfront with many walking paths for off-leash dogs and plenty of swimming areas for them to legally swim.

Switzerland's new SEARCH team.  You notice something about this photo? I sure can't pull the wool over your eyes! There's a "local" in it!


Meet Timmy  (TIMAAAAY!), the Bernese Mountain Dog.  Isn't he a hunk of burnin' love?

Just a few steps inland from the beach there's a dog park in Vidy that also serves for dog educational training and behavioral assessment. I'm not a dog park frequenter, but I go for play dates with people I know and this was a new meeting for Timmy's mom and me. Timmy also has an adorable Tibetian Terrier brother named Pepper. All four dogs met for the first time for a play date.

At first Loki and Timmy ignored each other, which was actually a great sign. But then...

"Hey Swissy! It's time for battle of the Mountain Dogs! Swissy vs. Formosa!"
"Bring it on Formosan Boy!"

"Are you sure you can keep up with a lean mean fightin' machine?"
"Dude, those ridiculously large ears are no match for my Swiss moves!"

Meanwhile, Juno and Pepper get their game faces on:

"Come here little fella. You look a lot like my neighbor, le chat, whom I've been wanting to have for dinner... and not as a guest."

Pepper is the best poop-disturber ever. He'd get up into some dog's grill in the worst way and then bolt. Kind of reminds me of someone. I won't name his name, but it begins with "L" and ends with "oki."

They all enjoyed plenty of zoomies together.

"Hey Timmy, that's a nice stack. I'll bet you pick up a lot of chicks with that stack."

"Oh dude, you don't know how easy it is. Let me show you how it's done."

"Why hello there cute stuff."
"Hello to you Handsome! That sure is a nice stack you got!"

"And that drool! My heart is swooning!"

Check out that hussy giving Timmy a kiss!  Get a room!

"Don't tease me handsome, give a girl a little sugar."
"The stack. It works every time."

Note to readers: Dog stacking is not to be confused with cat stacking. If you are smart, do not click on that link. Cat stacking is wrong.

Please accept my shameless link to cat stacking entertainment in place of a witty punchline.

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14 comments on “This Place Rocks”

  1. Oh, a Swissie! I LOVE Swissies! Sooo handsome! Go for it, Juno! (says Miss Moo)
    He looks like a decent opponent for smack-down! (Jack says as he eyes him up & down)

    Cat stacking? Looks like a new favorite activity!

    jack & moo

  2. Burned Yeast Mounted Dog!!!

    I hipchekhked my BMD furiend Baloo tonight!

    His 90# is nothing fur my floofy tail!

    PeeEssWoo: SOOOOO, Juno...is he a good khysser? BTW, I was into khat stakhking long long time ago!

  3. Please, please, PLEASE tell me that 'Timaaay!' is a South Park reference. Please.


    So, uh, are you sure you were really in Switzerland? I mean, dog parks? Places for dogs to play/swim off-leash? And you didn't have to provide triplicate copies of heath records, licenses, and your attorney's information? Sounds to me like you accidentally crossed the border into France where such riotous behavior is de rigueur... (Note, again, if you will, my amazing grasp of French. Or something...)

    Gotta say, that Burned Yeast doggie was quite the handsome specimen. And his stack is, uh, remarkable. 😉

    -Dr. Liz (who is STILL hoping that was a South Park reference, because I'm a big fan of chocolate salty balls... Heehee.)

  4. I'm not sure which is worse with the cat stacking - the severed cat heads or the ginormous sucking sound in the universe created by all the time that has now been lost. 😉

  5. Juno, how old is Timmy? He looks really young to us. Great for playing with, but watch out for the morality police if you're going to be kissing on him, in case he's still a minor. Seems to us the Swiss have a very sensible attitude towards doggies, unlike most American locales. Hope you get to play with Timmy & Pepper again.

    Abby is ok with the floating cat heads, but they kinda freaked mama out.

    Jed & Abby

  6. Hi Loki and Juno - Timmy and Pepper here. We had a great time playing with you last week and would love to get together again next week. Are you free Wednesday by chance? If so, shall we meet same place, same time?

    By the way, my little buddy, Pepper, is 3 and I'm almost 7. No need to worry about morality police as we're well within our kissing limits. Juno - so glad you like my "stack". I didn't even know I had one, but then again, I'm usually a pretty humble guy. I'll keep working to improve it; maybe you'll even give me another kiss. Your drooling stackable friend, Timmy

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