Juno is not like most Siberian huskies. Sure she digs, chews and gets into all sorts of trouble. But when it comes to obedience, she is missing a few crucial Siberian genetics.
So, I was just walking the dogs in the forest minding my own business when I saw these two kids gettin’ it on in a tree stump. I mean seriously, get a room! Right?
I'm 58 photos into my daily project and I'm still going. It's a bit hard to believe given that I still have days like yesterday where I spent all of day on the sofa. The first day of my weekly infusions always hits me hard.
It's back to business as usual here at Wild Dingo. Now that I'm back on the same Lyme treatment I was in December, I'm back to functioning almost normally. You wouldn't know by looking at me that I'm on some heavy medications for a serious illness. I still have plenty of symptoms but I can manage […]
I can't help it. I'm fascinated with tiny flowers. Perhaps because I've never given them a second glance on my hikes. My fascination happened when I was learning to use my telephoto lens on close-ups. I was blown away by the details in the smallest of flowers. And the variation of color! Nature fascinates me. All my […]
In the first year of owning our property we built NitWit Bridge, a 40-foot high, 90-foot long, redwood suspension bridge over the creek that runs through our property. Last year, we built a second trail and bridge, NitWit Too, in order to make a complete loop on the property and provide more off leash fun for […]
We had some rather strange weather for Northern California these last two days: rain!
Poor Loki. He was worried because I didn't act like myself when I got out of bed Friday morning. Mr. Wild Dingo brought home a cold and flu from his Asia trip last weekend. But I didn't exhibit symptoms soon after he came home. Instead, I was having a flare in Lyme symptoms and once that […]