She's a lady, for sure. But she did have frijoles for dinner last night. I'm just sayin...
Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.
She's a lady, for sure. But she did have frijoles for dinner last night. I'm just sayin...
Yesterday was "raw bone" day at Wild Dingo. Juno always gets the smaller bone because she's a bit chubby again. Also, Loki takes about 40 minutes to eat his bone while Juno takes about 4 hours to finish hers. It was still really wet outside (where they usually eat them) so I used old blankets they are allowed to […]
The Internet Service is back! Woo hoo! Hmm... Now what to do? What to do? Shall I start by catching up on work? Or shall I start by blogging about what we did during the two days with no power (though we have a kick-ass generator) and no Internet? Silly question! During an emergency, a Siberian […]
As in "WTF was that yesterday?" Constant downpour, 40 mph winds, no dog walk, no playing in the yard, and a big boom that woke us up. "WTF is going on here?" Buddy, I feel for you. Really.
For the record, this is not where I leave my shoes. "Um, seriously mom, your taste in shoes needs to change, and fast." Just what I need. A Siberian with fashion sense.
"Hey Big Daddy, there's a whole world out there waitin' for a little Formosan-Siberian action."
Doesn't Shed or Shed in Your Car Doesn't Dig Doesn't Re-Dig your Filled Holes Doesn't Destroy Gates or Fences Doesn't Eat Shoes Doesn't Destroy Cars Doesn't Run Away Doesn't Instigate Trouble Doesn't Destroy Pillows When Not Invited to a Party Doesn't Cost Anything to Feed Doesn't Get up or Move when Asked to Stay for a […]
Imperfect photographer. Imperfect dog trainer. Imperfectly behaving dogs. Do you know how long I've been trying to get the perfect photo of these two on this particular bridge? Too long. First time, I had dog schmeg all over my lens and didn't know until I got home and downloaded the photos. Then the next few […]
... you're fired." Fine Print: FMD Satellite does not guarantee FMD and its signal will stay in one location long enough for you to watch an entire show. Oh well, there's nothing ever on TV anyway!