writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

Bonding with Blue Tape

It's a well-known fact that Juno and Mr. Wild Dingo's relationship hasn't been easy. According to Juno, Mr. Wild Dingo is potentially a bane of Sibe’s everywhere, and on a mission specifically to steal her gumdrop nose. At the first sign of Mr. Wild Dingo, she’s often seen retreating into a fortress of solitude: any […]

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Miles Away from the Behaved

Loki & Juno holiday annually on the Isle of the Ill-Behaved This month's masthead celebrates a year's worth of obedience lessons that has resulted in common passerby claiming, "they're such good dogs," or, "they're really obedient" and my favorite, "they're so well-behaved!" If they only knew.

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Friday Fivers

Remember that Go Orange Photoshoot Wild Dingo participated in a few months ago?  Well, shockingly we did not win or even make the final five. But then again, though they were rescued, they weren't rescued from an SPCA. For now, I resurrected some of the shots that didn't make the cut for the shoot. Friday Fivers […]

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Correlations in Raisin Toast

Juno has…well…an unnatural obsession with raisin toast. So much so, she'll go against her own deeply-held values and belief systems in order to obtain just one square inch of the mouth-watering delight. Given the choice between raisin toast and a juicy tri-tip steak, it wouldn’t shock anyone at Wild Dingo to see her choose the […]

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Juno-Mind Trick

"That is not your tri-tip. This isn't the sibe you're looking for."

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Trickster Coming Soon!

Coming soon! A video of a Sibe doing the unthinkable:  Tricks! Here's a teaser:

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Beach Blanket Bombs

"Hey Daddy-O, this class is cramping my style. Let's make like a tree and leave." "Keep talking. I got a lot of room left in my ears yet."

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Friday's Are for Punks

It may come as no surprise to Wild Dingo readers to hear me say that Loki is a punk. Ya'll know he's a bad boy disguised as a good boy in training. During Wednesday night's beach class, the trainer asked me to sit him half-way to me during a 600-foot recall, while an assistant held […]

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Home Remodel

How is it that we've lived in our home now two years and we have yet to finish a bathroom, put in landscaping, buy artwork, furnish the dining room, repaint areas that need painting or do any of the 457 things that need to be done, but our dogs' treehouse is already on its first […]

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Chronicles of Loki

For the three readers who actually read this blog, the few who know Loki and ALL the dog handlers at the K-9 Clinic, you all know how far he's come. Last year, I couldn't last 3 minutes in class without him yapping, jumping, mouthing and thrashing around like a raving lunatic. Now, when he goes to training […]

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