writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Reason Number 437

Reason Number 437

February 20, 2009
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

Why not to get a husky: their gardening "skills."


I swear, I only keep her around because she feeds my cleaning addiction. It's a text-book co-dependent relationship.


Juno admires her gardening. "Look mom! No tools!"


"I'm too sexy for this mess."
She may as well dug that hole right in my head.
That's how much I need this mess right now.


 A criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.

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4 comments on “Reason Number 437”

  1. Oh my. I'm (strangely) impressed. The destruction does indicate mastery of dirt, roots and stone. Juno managed to stay clean and gorgeous. At the risk of sounding redundant-- impressive. Any way you could use her behavior to replace your gardening tools? She has a gift.

    Abby (the mutt before Sugar) loved tomatoes. She would eat them off the vine, then bury the extras under the bushes. I never found a successful way to prevent her love of fresh tomatoes. I went for 13 years without a productive garden...

  2. Karen: this is juno returning the next day to the scene of the crime. I came home too late to see it in the dark. I only heard about it and saw the grinds in my office. She had time to clean up her act before I could see her, but Mr. Wild Dingo caugh her "brown-pawed"...up to her elbows in dirt. She returned in the morning to amire her work.

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