writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Wild Weekend at Wild Dingo

Wild Weekend at Wild Dingo

August 10, 2009
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 1 minute

No words. Hung over.  Caption anyone?


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9 comments on “Wild Weekend at Wild Dingo”

  1. you can see the fluffinator's tail in the lower left corner of the shot. No doubt trotting away in disapproval of Loki's zeal. She is not over-fond of zeal.

  2. Holy Levitating Loki Batman?

    Or can't resist a music reference. As Jackie Wilson sort of sang: "Your tug is liftin' me higher, Than I've ever been lifted before, So keep it up, quench my desire, And I'll be at your side forevermore."

  3. Um, I think we have a winner: travelmarx! Vanna, tell them what they've won!

    Well Wild Dingo, for their winning caption, the Travelmarx have won a set of TWO wet kisses from the quadraped staff at Wild Dingo and the honor of a visit to the TravelMarx home where they will be able to play tug 24/7 with the FMD, while the husky looks on disapprovingly.

  4. Everyone wants a piece of the FMD... even the travelmarx, who enjoy the freedom of non-quadraped responsiblities. dang, i better put a leash on this little fella...

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