writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Mango Minster Entry #1: Juno-Belle-Jodhpurs

Mango Minster Entry #1: Juno-Belle-Jodhpurs

January 25, 2010
Posted in: Dogs | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Juno has been bugging me for weeks to get her entry into Mango Minster, but we've been so busy doing other things like, preparing to move, producing custom jodhpurs,  making New Year Resowootions, doing Siberian Pilates and cleaning off muddy dogs. And we've been wrestling with which category to enter her in.

The first category we thought of was the Non-Sporty category. I think woo all know that Juno can be a, um, bad doggie. The photos speak for themselves I think.






But we realize that was too obvious and easy of a category for a Siberian. I mean after all, she's the epitome of a bad sport right? So we decided to make it super challenging for her. As we recently learned there are two sibes, err ...  sides to every coin. The opposite of a bad sport, must be a good sport, right? And surely she must have some good sportyness in her. So here are Juno's photo considerations for the Sporty Dog Category:

What some don’t know is that Juno is accomplished in Siberian Tango, a style of tango that has matured into its own right along with Argentine Tango, Ballroom Tango and Finnish Tango. Surprisingly the Ballroom Dance Association has yet to fully acknowldege Siberian Tango.

Juno's favorite time of year is Mardi Gras and she enjoys dressing up in traditional colors. Of course for a Sibe, every day is Mardi Gras.

As we all know, Juno recently started Siberian Pilates to build up her core strength. Her best display of sport is the Juno Mind Trick, which she can do on any obstacle as demonstrated above.

She's so sporty, she can even do her athletics while injured:

But we chose the photo below to be her entry because Juno shows she can perform the mesmerizing Juno Mind Trick dangerously high in the air on a small plank platform. If she doesn't win this contest, she has decided to take her show on the road with Cirque du Chien, a new dog circus performing group specializing in dogs who take bribes to do stuff.

Photo Entry: The Juno Mind Trick High-Rise
Name: Juno Belle Jodhpurs
Gender: Duh, Femme Fatale
Group: Sporty Dogs
Breed: Siberians aren't "dog breeds" but if you must categorize, then Siberian Husky
Bloggy Address: https://wilddingo.com
Peemail: juno "at" wilddingo.com

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21 comments on “Mango Minster Entry #1: Juno-Belle-Jodhpurs”

  1. Juno! I was just catching up on my google reader and saw this. You are amazing. I am sure Moose will be impressed by all your sportiness.


  2. Wooos! What a talented pup woo are Juno! I think woo should enter in all of the categories, that way woo have all of your bases covered!
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  3. Oh, boy! After seeing Juno's entry, all I can say is: I'm toast, kibble, done! Oh, well, at least I gave it a shot. As for your Cirque Du Chien...BOL But, before I go, tail between legs and all, I still want to wish you Good Luck!!!

  4. I'm sorry woo didn't enter The Khat Dog Group -

    I would have SOOOOOO enjoyed running my paws through your jodhpurs!

    Best of lukhk to woo!


  5. our pick, the Siberian tango.....mumster is into ballroom dancing but loves the Argentinian tango more. she says your tango rocks!

    as i've been a pest and a pain in the hiney today, she's keen to fedex moi to you right away!!!

    so don't be surprised when the postman comes a knocking bol...

  6. Woo, Juno, let me be your Tango partner! (that picture just makes me melt!)

    jack a-roo
    PS - woo are soo talented, I don't know any other Sibe that can sit up like that!

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